標題: 台灣雲端運算基礎設施服務機會之研究
A Study on Taiwan's Opportunity in the Infrastructure as a Services of Cloud Computing
作者: 鄒亭亭
Tsou, Ting-Ting
Yu, Hsiao-Cheng
關鍵字: 雲端運算;基礎設施服務;Cloud Computing;Infrastructure as a Service; IaaS
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 雲端運算(Cloud Computing)是近年來不斷被討論及注目的熱門話題,不僅是最重要的科技發展趨勢,更是廠商積極佈局的重點產業。目前雲端運算的典型架構,每一層都能為使用者提供服務,由底層至應用層分別是基礎設施服務(Infrastructure as a Service;IaaS)、平台即服務(Platform as a Service;PaaS),以及軟體即服務(Software as a Service;SaaS)。 在各界廣泛討論的同時,雲端運算的商機在哪?全球的高科技產業結構是否將重新改變?本論文以雲端運算基礎設施服務(Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS)為研究主題,探討台灣廠商在此波科技發展趨勢中,應該如何擬定適宜的策略定位,掌握雲端運算發展趨勢所帶動的未來商機。 本研究以文獻收集與評論法,透過整理、歸納與分析,將就台灣業者,如何在既有雲端運算產業相對位置,採取最適之策略,做為進入及因應雲端運算發展趨勢之探討。
In recent years, Cloud Computing is one of the most exciting technology markets today. Over the next five to ten years, it will have a significant impact on almost all major industries as well as our home lives. Cloud Computing is composed of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) which can provide the different services for user requirements. Cloud Computing catches all line of vision. However, how many economic benefits exist in Cloud Computing? In order to handle the most new situation, Taiwan enterprises should adopt suitable strategies can hold the more economic benefits of Cloud Computing. In this thesis, my research focuses on the IaaS of Cloud Computing. By collecting and reading the relative literatures, I determine proper business policy when Taiwan enterprise enters the trend of Cloud Computing.