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dc.contributor.authorHsu, Ming-Yuen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Chiun-Hsunen_US
dc.description.abstract近幾年半導體產業隨著產品生命週期縮短及景氣循環迅速變化之衝擊,已面臨內外部風險及競爭的威脅;再加上邁向全球化的過程,使得企業承受營運中斷之風險亦相對變大。以半導體製造廠為例,任何一個工廠或事業單位所在區域發生立即性的風險,都可能造成整個企業營運的中斷,因此企業營運持續管理(Business Continuity Management, BCM)就成為半導體產業的一項重大不可或缺的議題。 本研究即針對半導體廠面對可能造成營運中斷風險之天災情境-地震,透過營運衝擊分析(Business Impact Analysis, BIA)之建置應用為例,探討鑑別半導體廠的關鍵營運活動與功能,針對地震此危害因子做損害評估,決定最大可容忍之營運中斷時間以及復原至最低營運水準所需要的時間。同時進行建築物耐震之風險評估(Risk Assessment, RA),並了解建築物在地震侵襲下的弱層、弱面與弱點分佈,提出建築物破壞時各構件之破壞順序與倒塌機制,進而選擇企業可接受之預防策略,投資補強建築物耐震能力,避免地震發生導致營運中斷,以及造成企業更大的損失。 在完成營運衝擊分析與風險評估後,本研究著重於在半導體廠房地震議題的BCM建置中,選擇最適當之策略,以最經濟有效的耐震補強工法,來降低地震所帶來的營運中斷衝擊及損失。並隨之進行廠房補強後的營運衝擊分析與地震風險評估,來證明策略之有效性,以及BCM建置的系統完整性。 本論文的結論將針對地震之危害分析與BCM持續營運計劃之建置提出建議,特別在於半導體晶圓廠之獨特製程特性,以及耐震補強工程的特殊考量做說明。企業推動BCM之目的在於維持企業永續發展及確保競爭力,與提升企業承受風險之能力,而實際有效之BCM持續營運計劃仍須有賴企業依據自身特性及風險類別,發展出具備彈性的執行方案,以PDCA模式持續改善,確保企業運作的有效性及未來永續發展。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the recent years, by the impact of the faster change of worldwide economy cycle and becoming shorter product life, and in the circumstances of the trend of enterprises globalization, the semiconductor industry has been facing a severe challenge of business operation risk and competition, and semiconductor companies bear more burden than before to secure their business continuity operation upon those fatal factors of nature disasters and any of interruption causes. In the case of semiconductor manufacturing factory, for instance, any of factory sites or business unit is being impacted by some of severe events and stops its running operation will definitely raise the operation crisis for the entire corporation business. Therefore the issue of Business Continuity Management (BCM) of enterprise becomes an essential topic for the semiconductor industry. In terms of the major factors that may cause the operation interruptions for semiconductor manufacturing factory, especially in Taiwan island, the earthquake will be the number one potential risk among those threat of nature disasters. The thesis is therefore focusing on the scenario of seismic impact and to study what it will influence to the enterprise business continuity operation. Based on BSI BS25999-II, this thesis develops an efficient assessment procedure and finds out a most effective alternative for risk prevention. In the case study of this thesis, it is through the platform of Business Impact Analysis (BIA), identifies the critical operation activities of semiconductor manufacturing factory, and according to enterprise business situation and competition position, with the consensus of customers, to conclude the Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption (MTPD) for the enterprise, and the targeting capability of Recovery Time Objective (RTO). Based on the requirement, the seismic scenario of 80~400gal scale is studied, this thesis assesses the impact on those critical operation activities, actually on those factory buildings, by effective evaluating methodology (Push-Over method) and risk assessment (RA), to find out the weakness construction and impact consequence for those manufacturing buildings. Meanwhile this thesis conducts the strategy survey to eliminate or prevent from the risk impact from earthquake. Detail advantages and disadvantages of several strategies are evaluated by the consideration conditions of strategy effectiveness, cost, doable, capability and customer satisfaction. The most effective strategy proposal for semiconductor factory finally is decided, that’s to reinforce the building construction strength and its anti-earthquake ability. This proposal is required to be followed by the evaluation for the lowest cost and suitable engineering methodology of building reinforce. Considering the particular process requirements and special design of semiconductor wafer manufacturing factory environment, this study finds out that the best and cost-effective choice is VE Damper. Finally after the building reinforcement engineering proposal conducted, the effectiveness is assessed and shows the end result of this strategy proposal can meet the requirement for semiconductor industry and substantially reduce the risk of seismic impact. The conclusion of this thesis in the case study, an efficient procedure is developed for enterprise Business Continuity Management requirement, and an effective strategy proposal can be chose and conducted for the semiconductor industry to overcome the threat coming from the unexpected seismic impact and avoid the consequence of business operation interruption. The future work for this case study would be to set up the whole BCM platform based on these findings, and then conduct the system practice, as well as culture building up and system enhancement.en_US
dc.subjectBusiness Continuity Managementen_US
dc.subjectBusiness Impact Analysisen_US
dc.subjectRisk Assessmenten_US
dc.subjectSeismic hazard assessmenten_US
dc.titleApplication of Structures Seismic Assessment for Business Continuity Management – Case Study of Semiconductor Factory Buildingsen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis