DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstract火災對於艦船機艙所造成的重大傷害與損失,一直是艦船使用者急欲避免發生的情事,但審視現行於艦船機艙滅火方式與人員部署配置,並未有新的突破與改變,雖然國內外學者專家就此議題已有許多研究與討論,且均對於細水霧系統應用於艦船機艙滅火抱持正面看法,惟其論述大多基植於軟體模擬結果,卻較少見有實體模擬之研究,故依個人於艦船服務之經驗,考量在執行艦船機艙滅火環境中,尚有艙間封閉、通風啟停、煙塵之能見度、艙間溫度、對動力裝備之危害與復原等情形,必須一併納入檢討評估;基此,本研究以模擬與試驗分析為執行主軸,透過文獻收集,掌握國內外應用之經驗與案例,提供模擬與試驗參考,並依據國際海事組織(IMO)及美國海岸巡防隊(USCG)有關船、艦細水霧規範,應用挪威Computit公司火災模擬軟體Kameleon FireEx (KFX),來模擬艦船輪機艙使用細水霧系統之滅火成效,透過建置實體火場配合電腦模擬條件,搭配細水霧系統實際進行滅火觀測,實驗結果顯示,在通風與艙門同時關閉時,無論是中壓或高壓噴灑之下的油池火源或噴射火源,皆能於5分鐘之內將火勢撲滅,而中壓系統比高壓系統有較短的滅火時間。實驗過程中細水霧對火場的降溫與煙霧的洗滌(增加能見度)也呈現良好的效果。設備損害管制方面,除了因為艙體空間的配置,可能造成水霧顆粒凝結成水滴而直接滴入電器設備(DC馬達),造成設備短路以外;在電力箱與AC馬達設備上,細水霧顆粒並未影響絕緣阻抗。本次研究結果顯示,細水霧滅火系統對於艦船機艙滅火與復原工作,確實可提供為一個良好與具效益之選項。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe damage of cabin in a vessel caused by fire is always the issue that has to be warded off. But the current method of fire extinguishes and personnel deployment remains invariable. Although foreign and domestic specialists have made numerous efforts on this, and had positive perspectives on water mist system applying to vessel fire extinguish. However, the results of research and discussion are mostly based on software simulations, hardly on field test research. In my experience of serving in navy vessels, all the followings have to be taken into consideration, such as cabin sealed, ventilation system activated, visibility of smog, cabin temperature, damage of power equipment and restoration, in conducting fire extinguish in a cabin of vessel. This research is focused on simulation and experiment analyze, taking foreign and domestic cases and experience as reference, also, refers to the vessel water mist standard of IMO (International Maritime Organization)and USCG (United States Coast Guard), uses fire simulating software (Kameleon FireEx, KFX) of Computit Co., Norway, to simulate the effects of fire extinguishes applying water mist. In order to observe the fire extinguish applying water mist, a fire test field, in correspondence with software simulation, is built. 24 simulated fire situations are developed in this research and conducting fire extinguish when the oxygen density is less than 12% near the fire zone. The result of simulation shows that the water mist system can extinguish the fire in 5 minutes with all ventilations off and cabin sealed. Considering budgets, effects, fire likely to occur and cabin layouts in these 24 situations, 6 are selected to conduct field tests. The result of field test shows that fire can be extinguished in 5 minutes under mid- or high-pressure spray to fuel poor fire resource or jet fire resource. However, time required to extinguish the fire using mid-pressure spray is shorter than high-pressure spray. In the process of field test, water mist shows good effects of temperature reducing and visibility increasing. Regarding the damage control, short circuit of electrical equipment, such as DC motor, could result from water drops condensed by moisture, directly dropping into the equipment. The insulation resistance of power supply and AC motor doesn’t affected by moisture. The result of this research shows that water mist system truly provides a good and effective method of vessel fire extinguish and restoration.en_US
dc.subjectwater misten_US
dc.subjectHeat Release Rateen_US
dc.titleResearch in the Effects of Water Mist System Applied for Vessel Engine Room Fire Fightingen_US


  1. 051901.pdf
  2. 051902.pdf

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