標題: 家戶屬性對捷運使用影響之研究
The Effects of Household Attributes on MRT Using
作者: 吳國濟
Wu, Kuo-Chi
Huang, Tai-Sheng
關鍵字: 捷運;家戶屬性;旅次特性;捷運使用;MRT;Household Attributes;Trip Characteristics;MRT Usage
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 結合大眾運輸導向發展的模式與生活機能,開發捷運系統沿線站區周邊土地,政策性供給合理價格之房屋,成為近年來政府的重要措施之一。然而,選擇居住於捷運周邊的民眾,其運具之選擇與分配是否以捷運的旅次為大宗,值得進一步探討。 本研究選擇以臺北捷運行經新北市轄淡水區、新店區及板橋區等三個行政區域,以及該3條捷運路線與13座捷運車站周邊之家戶作為本研究之調查範圍與主體。進一步分析其家戶特性、旅次行為與捷運使用之情形,以及家戶屬性對於捷運使用的關連性為何。 本實證研究結果有下列幾點發現:1.所得與車輛持有具有正向影響之關連性,收入越高之家戶越有能力購買機動運具,亦有利於鏈結旅次,增加旅次數,然而機動車輛持有數越高,使用大眾運輸(捷運)的旅次越低。2.在三區中平均每戶每人所得主要集中在20萬(含)至35萬佔約五成左右,且平均每戶每人所得越高的家戶,其旅次產生數越低,這代表真正有錢的家戶除了必要的旅次之外,並不會產生過多的非必要旅次。3.所得越高的家戶其旅次使用小型客貨車的比例越高,且使用比例由低所得往高所得逐漸遞增的趨勢;所得越低的家戶其步行旅次的比例則越高,其使用比例由低所得往高所得逐步遞減。4.捷運使用的旅次,主要集中在中所得家戶。5.在各變數與捷運使用間之關聯性部分,家戶人口數、年齡層、就學/就業/無職業人口結構、家戶年所得及機車持有數等,與捷運使用具有顯著的關聯性。而汽車持有與捷運使用之關聯性則不顯著。
To develop the land around the MRT stations with transit-oriented development (TOD) and to provide reasonable-priced houses become one of the most important strategies in recent years. However, it is also important to provide these measures that suit market mechanisms and general residents’ hobby at the same time. It is a worth issue to discuss that people live near the MRT stations choose to use MRT first or not. This study selected thirteen MRT stations along three MRT lines at Danshuei district, Shihding District and Banciao District. Following survey area selection, sample households were selected and investigated. To further analyze the conditions and relationship between household attributes and MRT usage. The results of this study showed that household income was positively associated with the vehicle ownership. There is a positive correlation between the income and the vehicle ownership; households with higher income have greater purchasing power to buy mobiles. At the same time owning vehicles is also beneficial to connect travels and increase number of travels. However, the percentage of owning vehicles are higher, the lower the public transportation usage percentage. The majority average income per household per person is around $200000 to $350000 in these 3 areas, which is about 50% of the total population. The households with higher average income per person hold lower number of travel times. The result indicates that the wealthy households would not produce excess travels times unless the travel is necessary. The households with higher income use sedan and cargo (Vans) to travel more; on the other hand the households with lower income travel by foot more. The majority of people who take MRT are from middle or lower class households.Among the variables of the correlation of the MRT usage, number of people per households, age level, institutionalized/employment/unemployment structure, household income and the ownership of motorcycle all has significant connection of MRT usage. However the ownership of vehicles does not have direct connection with MRT usage.
Appears in Collections:Thesis