標題: 面板產業合併的績效分析-以群創與奇美為例
TFT LCD Industry Merge Achievements Analysis-Innolux with Chimei as the example
作者: 葉鳳如
Yeh, Fong-Ju
Chung, Hui-Min
Hsieh, Wen-liang
關鍵字: TFT LCD;購併;綜效;杜邦分析;SWOT;TFT LCD;Merge;Synergy;Dupont analyzes;SWOT
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 2009年11月14日,鴻海集團旗下面板廠群創光電及奇美電宣布,雙方將以換股的方式進行合併,群創為存續公司,但合併後公司名稱將更名為「奇美電子」。 「新奇美電」誕生後,合計全球面積市占率可達18%,高於友達的16%,不僅躍居全台最大,產能也僅次於韓國的三星、LGD,成為全球第三大面板廠。市場一般看法均認為此併購案乃是雙贏,認為奇美電獲得鴻海集團組裝能量的龐大出海口,同時奇美實業等大股東順利從面板產業中脫身,而群創則得到了足夠的面板產能以及技術的奧援來衝刺LCD TV組裝業務。而對鴻海集團更重要的意義在於,「新奇美」使得鴻海集團成為全球第一個能在TV組裝業務上能從最上游材料到最終通路均能掌握的廠商。不過,由於兩家公司原本規模就極為龐大,且在產業中早已有重要地位,客戶面和供應鏈的牽涉都極廣,合併案影響層面相當巨大,所以本文目的即在嘗試對於此合併案對於新奇美電本身以及整體產業的影響作一概要分析。 本研究將以杜邦分析及SWOT分析的事件研究法,了解TFT LCD產業的發展與特性、關鍵零組件、及台灣產業鍊的群聚效應,藉以研究該購併事件是否有綜效的產生。
November 14, 2009, Innolux and Chimei held a press conference, announcing that they will merge by the way of split-off。But after merging with Chimei, Innolux will change its name to Chimei-Innolux。 After Chimei-Innolux was born, it has become the biggest LCD company in Taiwan, even bigger than AUO. Chimei-Innolux is now the third largest LCD manufacturer, gaining a magnificent global market share of 18%, only next to Samsung and LGD, Korea. The merge is regarded as a win-win situation by the market. For Chimei, it has gained huge assembly power from Foxconn. Meanwhile, share holders such as Chimei can get away from LCD industry. For Innolux, it has got enough LCD capacity and technical support to boost the assembly business of LCD TV. As for foxconn, Chimei-Innolux has made foxconn the first manufacturer which controls business from suppliers to retailers in TV assembly industry around the globe. Both of the companies are huge and play significant roles in the industry, which makes the merge even more powerful and influential. The paper aims to analyze the impact the merge has on Chimei and on the whole LCD industry. With the method of SWOT and Dupont analyzes, the research studies the development and trait of TFT LCD industry, key parts as well as Clustering effect of Taiwan industry chains in order to know if the merge will result in multiple effects.