標題: 發展小數除法數位化教學方案之行動研究
An Action Research of Designing and Implementing Computer Integrated Conceptual Teaching Program on Decimal Division
作者: 黃于芳
Huang, Yu-Fang
Tan, Ning-Chun
Chen, Ming-Jang
關鍵字: ADDIE模式;AMA系統;小數除法數位化教學方案;行動研究;ADDIE(Analysis Design Development Implement Evaluate);AMA;Computer integrated conceptual teaching program on decimal division;Action research
公開日期: 2010
摘要:   本研究旨在依循ADDIE模式,運用AMA系統發展出「小數除法」數位化教學方案,包含製作數位教材、設計教案及教學演示。   研究方法採行動研究法,透過計畫、行動、省思及修正的循環歷程,完成本研究之數位化教學方案。教學實施對象為研究者任教之國小六年級三個班級的學生。研究工具包括教學錄影、教材討論會議資料、教學檢討札記、反思札記、學生數學日記、學生問卷資料及測驗卷等。   依本研究結果提出之結論如下:   一、現行教科書在「小數除法」單元的教學設計上多有差異,因此教師在設計教材之前,應透過分析各版本的異同,以做為設計教材的依據。 二、設計數位教材時應先選擇合適的單元及媒體,並考慮學生的背景知識、教材的綱要流程、教材呈現的方式及多媒體教材設計原則,可有效降低學生的認知負荷,使學生達到更好的學習效果。 三、在發展數位化教學方案過程中,透過與指導教授和同儕教師的討論,可以改善自行設計的教材,使之更加適性化。 四、使用數位教材進行教學有助於提高學生的學習動機。 五、經由行動、省思與修正的循環歷程,對於發展數位化教材之課程規劃、設計有了更深入的體認,相關專業知識、技能也有所成長,教學策略亦更加完善。 六、提供自我或其他研究者,未來以本研究作為發展、設計相關課程數位教材之參考依據。
  This study aims at developing a computer integrated conceptual teaching program on decimal division through ADDIE mode with AMA system. This program includes producing digital materials, designing teaching plans, and teaching demonstrations.   The teaching program is accomplished by an action research through the cycle process of plan, action, reflection and modification. The students in this action research are from three classes of sixth graders in the school where researcher works.   The research tools includes teaching videos, group discussion of teaching materials, teaching review record, reflection diary, students’ math diaries, questionnaires information and test papers.   The findings of the study are stated as follows: 1. There are huge differences in the instruction designing of decimal division of current textbooks. As the result, before designing teaching materials, teachers are supposed to analyze the differences and similarities of each material as an effective basis. 2. Researchers are supposed to consider the background knowledge of students, curriculum guidelines, principles of designing multimedia teaching materials, which might reduce the cognitive load of students effectively, and help students reach better learning outcome. 3. In developing teaching plans, through discussion with advisors and co-teachers, researcher could modify teaching materials designing by self, and make it more adaptive to the pupils’ needs. 4. Using digital materials in teaching is contributive to promote learning motive of students. 5. Through the cycle process of action, reflection and modification, researcher gets deeper acquaintance and recognition of the designing and developing of digital materials, and also gains relative professional knowledge, skills and teaching strategies. 6. This action research provides myself and other researchers as a reference to develop and design relative digital teaching materials in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis