Title: 影響台灣各縣市固體廢棄物回收績效之因素
Factors of the Solid Waste Recycling Performance in Taiwan's Administrative Regions
Authors: 林炳旭
Lin, Ping-Hsu
Hu, Jin-Li
Keywords: 資源回收;永續發展;四合一計畫;縱橫面資料迴歸;Resources recycling;Sustainable development;4-in-1 resources recycling plan;Panel data regression
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本研究探討台灣自從1998年開始實施資源回收四合一計畫以來,各縣市影響資源回收率的因素,並以2001年到2009年各縣市的資源回收率、回收資源量、回收資源種類人均量、教育水準、人均可支配所得、勞動參與力、行政區別與政府資源回收政策因素,進行縱橫面資料迴歸(固定效果)分析。研究發現影響整體執行機關資源回收率的因素為各種回收資源影響因素中的主要共同影響因素,而影響各種回收資源的因素又為各縣市先天地理差異與後天經濟發展的差異呈現。另發現2006年至2009年期間全面實施的強制垃圾分類政策,高教育水準人口對垃圾強制分類政策的實施有較明顯的配合效果,正面增強資源回收效果。透過影響各種回收資源的因素分析,發現在失業率高的縣市,民眾透過回收點、回收商直接回收的資源回收量大於透過地方清潔隊等執行機關間接回收的量,在廢鐵罐、舊衣類、廢家電、廢鋁箔包、廢紙容器的人均回收量尤其非常明顯。具有高教育水準、高可支配所得人口族群特性的縣市區域,交由環保執行機關進行大部分的資源回收也越明顯。
This study analyzes the factors of solid waste recycling in Taiwan’s administrative regions that implemented “4-in-1 resources recycling plan” since 1998. The panel data regression approach is applied for empirical study. The panel data from 23 Taiwan’s administrative regions data in the period 2001–2009 are retrieved, including recycling rate, recycling weight per capita, education-level, disposable income, labor force participation rate, city/county, and government environmental policy variables. There are significantly higher recycling volumes or weights with respect to iron can, old clothes, household appliances, scrap aluminum foil bags, and paper containers, due to the active local recycling agents. Especially, the local recycling agent positions are employment opportunities which help reduce the unemployment rate. Higher education and disposable income levels also significantly promote regional recycling performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis