標題: 運用Facebook粉絲專頁之微型創業個案研究- 以Tracy's Dance Studio為例
A Study on the Micro-Entrepreneurship via Facebook Fans Page: a Case Study of Tracy's Dance Studio
作者: 黃才芸
Huang, Tsai-Yun
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 社群網站服務;臉書;顧客關係管理;顧客關係管理2.0;口碑行銷;Social Network Service;Facebook;CRM;CRM2.0;WOM
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 隨著Web 2.0的創新應用,Facebook近兩年來開始爆紅, 更在2010年5月28日榮登全球受訪頻率最高網站,成為「訪客量之王」。根據Google的Double Click Ad Planner全球資料庫2011年3月份資料,Facebook社交網站每月全球有六十億人到訪。以會員人口數計算,Facebook目前擁有全球六億多會員人口,已經擠下美國成為世界第三。就台灣而言,Facebook目前登錄的台灣會員已超過一千萬人,等於每三人當中,就有超過一人使用Facebook,而根據網路測量資料庫創市際市場研究顧問 (ARO)的調查報告,2010年10月開始,使用者在Facebook的平均停留時間已超過台灣雅虎,成為十年來第一個威脅台灣雅虎在台灣領導地位的網路業者。 個案「Tracy’s Dance Studio」 (簡稱TD Studio)成立於2010年5月,為一位*擁有四年舞蹈經驗之舞蹈教師—Tracy Huang 所成立,不同於坊間多元經營的舞蹈補習班,TD Studio 專攻成年女性市場,以「打造一個快樂的跳舞天地」為宗旨,在Tracy’s Dance Studio 裡不止是跳舞,可以塑身、抒壓、交朋友,在這裡跳舞已經成為顧客生活的一部份。2010年8月,由於Facebook的持續蓬勃發展, Tracy老師正式在Facebook上成立「Tracy’s Dance Studio」粉絲專頁,除了藉由Facebook的特性去製造口碑行銷、提升自我知名度之外,還透過粉絲專頁與顧客建立真誠且良好的關係,更加強化顧客忠誠度,從成立時會員人數三十人,半年後的今天,會員人數已突破兩百七十人且持續穩定成長。 在這個Facebook興盛的年代,每個企業都希望能夠藉由Facebook散播產品資訊以擴大企業知名度,如何透過Facebook進行成功的行銷儼然成為每個企業的重大課題。因此,本研究將以現今Facebook蓬勃興起的時代為背景,以「Tracy’s Dance Studio」作為服務業的微型創業實務個案,透過分析個案的種種行銷以及經營策略,並且交叉比對粉絲專頁的網站流量以及使用者的互動狀態,探討如何 運用社交網路服務達成達成微型創業的目標。
With the innovative application of Web2.0, Facebook becomes extremely popular web service in the resent two years. Moreover, Facebook became the world's most frequent site of visitors in May 28, 2010, and earned the title for “King of Traffic.” According to Google Double Click Ad Planner worldwide data gathered in March 2011, Facebook.com is visited monthly by 6 billions people around the world. With its 600 millions members, if Facebook were a country it would defeat the United States and be the 3rd most populated in the world. In Taiwan, over 10 millions people have signed up for the Facebook membership which repreasents tha more than one people use Facebook in every three people in Taiwan. According to the survey by ARO (Access Rating Online), the users’s average spending time in Facebook exceeded in Yahoo Taiwan. Moreover Facebook becomes the first one who threats the leading position of Yahoo Taiwan over the past ten years in network industry. Tracy’s Dance Studio established in May 2010, and the founder, Tracy, is a dance instructor who has danced for four years. Different from usual dance teaching instutions, Tracy’s Dance Studio focuses on adult female market segment and take “To build up a happy dance world” as its objective. People not only dance there, but also lose the weight, release the pressure, and even make friends with others in Tracy’s Dance Studio. In August 2010, Tracy’s Dance Studio Fans Page formally established. Tracy not only uses Facebook to create the WOM events to promote the brand, but also develop truly and nice relationship with the members to enhance the customer loyalty. Tracy’s Dance Studio has grown from 30 members up to 270 in half an year. In the Facebook blooming era, each company hopes to spread the product information to expand company brand awareness with Facebook. How to develop a successful marketing issue has become the most important task of each company. Therefore, this study takes this Facebook blooming era as the background, by using the Tracy’s Dance Studio as the case of Micro-Entrepreneurship to evidence how to achive micro-entrepreneurship via Facebook fans page. Besides, by analysing Tracy’s Dance Studio’s marketing and operating strategies this research also verify the business strategy with the traffic and members’ interactions of Facebook fans page.
Appears in Collections:Thesis