Title: 溫室氣體盤查與減量措施之研究-以某銅箔基板廠為例
Case Study on the Greenhouse gas inventory and reduction measures of a copper clad laminate company
Authors: 陳秋男
Chen, Chiu-Nan
Ye, Hong-De
Keywords: 溫室氣體盤查;二氧化碳;銅箔基板;Greenhouse gas inventory;Carbon dioxide;Copper clad laminate
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 自2005年2月16日京都議定書正式生效後,對於溫室氣體管制的做法朝向碳排放管制與交易的方式,其中溫室氣體盤查為進行碳排放管制的重要基礎步驟。我國政府亦針對國內數個溫室氣體排放量較高的產業進行盤查,至於其他企業則採鼓勵與輔導的方式進行。唯銅箔基板業所製造之成品為電子業及電器業之原料,從源頭即進行盤查有助於溫室氣體排放減量及成本控制。 本研究以國內某銅箔基板廠為例,依國際間常用之溫室氣體盤查程序及工具,分析出該廠2010年成品之溫室氣體排放量及減量措施所達到的效益。本研究結果顯示2010年該廠總排放當量為19,208(公噸CO2-e/年),主要之排放源為外購電力及加熱所需之燃料。在減量方法的選擇以能源替代及電力節省為主,減量幅度可達到11.5%,並可提供30,854,598元之經濟效益。
After the Kyoto Protocol were officially become effective on the 16th of February on 2005, the method on green house gas control are towards using Carbon emissions control and trading. Among the Carbon emissions control the stage of greenhouse gas inventory is the basic important stage. Our government had aimed and to interrogate few of the industries that had high amount of green house gas waste discharge. On other hand were using more encourage or guidance and assistance towards other industries. Only copper clad laminate company produce raw materials of electron and electric equipment. Will interrogate from the beginning sources will help the control of green house gas waste discharge and budget control. This research is using a certain company that were found in Taiwan as a sample, using familiar interrogate procedure and tools that were used widely in international. This analyze the company's products on green house gas waste discharge and method to deduct measure which achieved the benefits. This research shows on the year of 2010 the company had total of 19,208(tonne CO2-e per annual) mainly the source of discharge were purchased electricity and fuel required for heat. In deduction method will mainly chose alternative energy and ministry of power section will deduct to 11.5% and provide economic benefits of $30,854,598.
Appears in Collections:Thesis