標題: 客家民間藝師徐木珍的多元音樂世界
A Hakka Folk Artist Hsu Mu-jen's Diversified Musical World
作者: 葉美週
Dr.Lieh-Shin Lo
關鍵字: 徐木珍;客家藝師;隨口山歌;歌詞即興;Hsu Mu-Jen;Hakka artist;Sing Thoughtlessly;Lyrics Impromptu
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 徐木珍先生為台灣客家民間藝師,其豐富的生命歷程及表演經驗,為客家傳統社會的民間音樂留下寶貴的見證。由於社會環境的改變,傳統山歌漸漸流失,在本土意識抬頭,政府開始重視傳統文化保存之際,挖掘更多老藝人的技藝是項重要的工作。本論文以徐木珍先生之生命史為主要研究核心,將徐氏之人生經歷做一記錄整理,並結合其技藝能力之研究,探討其山歌藝術之特色。 本論文共分五章:第一章為緒論,主要探討徐木珍先生山歌歌詞的創作理念和八音、北管和戲曲的音樂內涵;現況分析,並說明研究方法、名詞解釋;第二章文獻回顧,探討民間藝師的現況,對客家文化傳承的意義;客家山歌的源流、發展、特色、形式和客家戲曲、八音的相互關係;客家山歌保存的現況和重要性。 第三章「徐木珍多元豐富的音樂生命之旅」,第一節詳細介紹徐木珍的生平事蹟,如何在不幸的環境中,仍能樂觀的面對,從音樂的世界找到自我。第二節「樂器的師承系統及表演生涯」,敘述徐木珍如何擺脫盲人的宿命-算命,自我學習並向名師學得多項樂器的技藝,展開表演生涯,並授徒傳承客家文化。 第四章「徐木珍的即興山歌解析」,第一節從即興歌詞的框架與模式分析徐氏山歌的即興歌詞。第二節「隨口」,先說明「隨口唱」、「隨口說」的差異,再從「徐木珍隨口來」一書的內容,分析徐木珍創作即興歌詞的特點。 第五章「結論」。以徐木珍山歌的特色和研究意義做為總結,希望本研究能 喚起大眾重視傳統技藝的傳承,並提供喜愛山歌者能學習創作山歌歌詞,還原山歌「從口」出的自然面貌。
Mr. Hsu Mu-Jen is a Taiwanese Hakka folk artist. His magneficent life and performing experiences make him a great witness for Hakka traditional folk music. Due to the transition of social environment, traditional folk songs were lost and ignored. With the awareness of nativeness, the government starts to preserve the traditional cultures and to explore more art works from older artists. This thesis is to study the life span of Mr. Hsu Mu-Jen and his art works. Combining Mr. Hsu’s life experiences and his art ability lead to this core research of his folk songs’s characteristics. There are five charpters in this thesis. First charpter is the introduction. We discuss the writing of folk song lyrics and creation therories which include musical forms of Pa-Yin (octameter), Beiguan and dramas. We also analyze the current state of Hsu’s play. We explain the reserch methods and special terms. The second charpter is to review the published articles, references and the present status of the folk artists. We assess the importance of these art works to the Hakka culture tradition. We discuss the relationships among Hakka folk song’s origin, development, characteristics, forms, drama and Pa-Yin and the importance of preserving them. In charpter three we elaborate Mr. Hsu Mu-Jen’s magneficent and diversified musical life. There are two sections. Section one is the biography of Mr. Hsu Mu-Jen. With his unfortunate fate, he is still very optimistic in conquering the life difficulties and suffering. Mr. Hsu finds the meanings of life and self esteem from his musical world. Section two talking about his learning process and his performing life. We show Hsu’s pursuit against his life destiny of being a fortune teller for the normal blinds, and instead, by self-teaching, learning from famous teachers in playing various musical instruments and even teaches his followers. Charpter four, “Analysis of Impromptu Folk Songs by Mr. Hsu Mu-Jen”, is a technical analysis of his work. In section one, we use the framework and III pattern of impromptu lyrics to analyze Mr. Hsu’s folk songs and their lyrics. In section two, “Speak Thoughtlessly”, we explain the differences between “speak thoughtlessly” and “sing thoughtlessly”, and show the key points from the book “Hsu Mu-Jen Sings Thoughtlessly”. Charpter five is for conclusions. We summarize the characteristics of Mr. Hsu Mu-Jen’s folk songs and the research goals. The author hopes this study can let people be aware of the traditional arts passed down and encourage people to create and write folk song lyrics. Let the folk songs to be naturally write and sing thoughtlessly.


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