標題: 農業體驗遊程之遊客滿意度及消費行為:以新埔鎮金漢柿餅教育園區為例
Tourist's Satisfaction and Consumption in Agricultural Experience Tour:A Case Study of Kim-Han Persimmon Education Field in Xinpu
作者: 張筱君
Chang, Hsiao-Chun
Lin, Chong-Wei
關鍵字: 新埔柿餅;體驗經濟;遊客滿意度;消費行為;Persimmon;Experience Economy;Satisfaction;Consumer behavior
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 北臺灣的客家聚落新竹縣新埔鎮以柿子產業聞名全台。旱坑里一帶農民早年多以種植和販賣柿子營生,爾後為提高產品的附加價值與利潤,逐步演變為加工與外銷導向。新埔柿餅不僅僅是當地重要的經濟商品,更是重要的客家庄傳統美食。然而,隨近來中國大陸地區大規模栽種與低廉人力成本的柿子產品陸續進入市場,面臨沈重競爭壓力之下,新埔柿農與柿餅加工廠業者開始思考,以結合文化創意、休閒遊憩與體驗農業的方式,為新埔柿餅產業與新埔鎮的觀光轉型發展發展另覓出路,更亟待學術研究與產業推廣協助。 本研究場域為新埔鎮「金漢柿餅教育園區」,因其獨特以彰顯柿餅之產業、工藝、歷史與人文的創新導覽解說服務,以及經由教育推廣作為主體來增加產業文化能量與產值的經營模式。研究期間為2010年10月至2011年1月的柿餅產季,以參加其園區內農業體驗遊程(柿子產業解說、柿染工藝體驗)遊客為研究對象,共計回收721份問卷方式,從而分析其遊客特性、遊客滿意度,以及在參與體驗遊程後之消費行為各變項間的關聯性。 研究結果發現: 1.「柿子產業解說」體驗遊程因子的滿意度達顯著差異,依序為「整體滿意」>「歷史人文」>「人員服務」>「農村產業」;2.「柿染工藝體驗」體驗遊程因子的滿意度達顯著差異,依序為「整體滿意」、「人員服務」、「農村產業」和「歷史人文」;3.「柿子產業解說」及「柿染工藝體驗」都參加的體驗遊程因子滿意度達顯著差異,依序為「歷史人文」>「整體滿意」>「農村產業」>「人員服務」。4.多參與不同體驗遊程能提升遊客對體驗遊程的「整體滿意」;5.參與體驗遊程的遊客六成以上都會產生消費;6.參與「柿子產業解說」和「柿染工藝體驗」對遊客之重遊意願有正向影響;7.參與體驗遊程能有效增加遊客的重遊意願;8.體驗遊程滿意度對遊客的推薦意願具有正向效果。 本研究以柿餅觀光遊憩為例,除希望能夠增加柿餅加工業者對遊客休閒遊憩與消費行為之掌握,協助其改善並創新以柿餅文化為主體的體驗遊程之外;更能從農業文化教育和體驗經濟發展角度,為臺灣其他以農業為主的客家鄉鎮和聚落,提供產業轉型與推動文化創意產業的重要參考。
Xinpu, a traditional Hakka small town in northern Taiwan, has been famous for its prosperous persimmon industry in the last century. However, facing the dumping challenges and the heavy market competition from mainland China, the local persimmon factories in Han-Keng-Li seek possibilities of their agricultural transition. Our research focuses on a case study of Kim-Han Persimmon Education Field in Xinpu. The owner Xin-Wu Liu believes "education" is the key solution of the local industry transition. He developed three different types of experience tours in his factory and expects to create a tight connection with the tourists and hence increase their consumption. We categorized the educational experience tours in Kim-Han Persimmon Education Field into 2 main types: "persimmon industry" and "persimmon dye" and examined the relationship of its tourist's characters, satisfaction and consumption. From Oct, 2010 to Jan, 2011, we conducted a series questionnaire survey on tourist groups that participated in Kim-Han's experience tour. With a total of 721 copies, we found: 1. “persimmon industry” as the key factor of tour experience has a significant impact on tour satisfaction, followed by “overall satisfaction”, “history and culture”, “employee services”, and “persimmon industry”. 2. “persimmon dye” as the key factor of tour experience has a significant impact on tour satisfaction, followed by “overall satisfaction”, “employee services”, “persimmon industry”, and “history and culture”. 3. “persimmon industry” and “persimmon dye”as the key factor of tour experience has a significant impact on tour satisfaction, followed by “history and culture”, “overall satisfaction”, “persimmon industry” and “employee services”. 4. The more experience tours that the tourists participated, the higher points they replied in “overall satisfaction”. 5. Over 60% of tourists that participated in the experience tour became consumer of persimmon products. 6. Tourists who participated in “persimmon industry” and “persimmon dye” experience tours can most positively increase tourist's revisit willingness. 7. The experience tours are closely related to tourist's revisit behavior. 8. Experience satisfaction has significant impact on tourist's willingness of recommendation.


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