標題: 清代枋寮義民廟廟產之擴增與經理人制度:《義民總嘗簿》之解讀與分析(1835-1894)
The property expanding and manager institution of Fangliao Yi-min Temple in Qing Dynasty: interpretation and analysis of “Yi-min account book“ from 1835 to 1894.
作者: 張毓真
Chang, Yu-Chen
Lo, Leih-Shih
關鍵字: 枋寮義民廟;經理人制度;義民總嘗簿;Fangliao Yi-min Temple;manager institution;Yi-min Account Book
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本文探討清代枋寮義民廟廟產之擴增與經理人制度之間的關聯,研究方法採用文獻分析法,利用枋寮義民廟林六吉收執的光緒二十年所抄錄《義民總嘗簿》為文本,透過重覆不斷整理總嘗簿裡近四千筆帳目資料,經過統計、分類、歸納各筆帳目後,發現義民廟的廟產逐漸累積,與經理人管理制度有著密不可分的關係。 經理人制度起於道光十五年,最初是由新埔街商號經管義民廟廟產,到了道光二十七年起換由的大湖口庄、五份埔庄、九芎林庄、新埔街等四大庄經理人輪流管理廟產,四大庄輪值經理人的制度延續至大正三年才結束。 經理人制度對義民廟廟產的擴增有最明顯的助益,在於道光二十七年進入四大庄輪值經理人的時期開始,清楚發現廟產快速增加,而之所以能夠快速累積在於經理人經資金用於土地投資,透過購置田業可增加租穀收入,又將收入用於置產,如此不斷循環,使廟產日漸擴張。同時又因為經理人必須由各街庄輪流擔任,任期一到必須將任內的帳目、契約等清楚典交給新任經理人,減少由同一經理人連續擔任經理人可能產生弊端的機會,如此亦使義民廟在經理人輪值的過程中持續擴張規模。 本研究經仔細分析、探究《義民總嘗簿》之後,獲得三項重要的研究成果:首先,重新分類整理並分析清代義民廟廟產收支帳目;其次,發現土地投資是義民廟廟產擴大的最主要原因;最後,這一土地投資係成就於輪庄經理制度,因些輪庄經理人實是義民廟廟產擴增的關鍵。
This thesis investigates the association between the property expanding and manager institution of the Fanliao Yi-min Temple in Qing Dynasty by literature analysis. The author of this thesis sorts nearly four thousand pieces of account information included in Yi-min Account Book transcribed in 1894 and collected by Lin Liou-Ji. Through the statistics, classification, and induction of each account, it is shown that the gradual accumulation of temple property is closely related to the manager system. The manager system originated in 1835 from the administration of temple property by Xinpu Street firm. From 1847 to 1914, managers from the four main villages, Dahukou Village, Wufenpu Village, Jiuqionglin Village, Xinpu Street, administered temple property in turn. The manager system evidently benefits the property expansion of the Yi-min Temple. Since 1847, when managers from the four main villages started to rotate the administration, temple property had increased rapidly. This fast accumulation is attributed to the fact that managers funded in land investment. Through the continuous cycles of field business purchasing and grain income increasing, temple property expanded progressively. In addition, the continuous growth of the temple is further enabled by rotating managers among villages. Since the account, contracts, and etc. have to be transferred to the new manager at the end of each term, the abuse resulted from a single renewing manager is reduced. After carefully analyzing and studying Yi-min Account Book, three significant results are achieved. First, the account of the Yi-min Temple is re-sorted and analyzed. Second, the key factor to the expansion of temple property is land investment. Last, the success of land investment relies on the rotating manager system. Therefore, the rotating manager system is indeed crucial to the property expansion.


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