Title: | 台灣零售業虛實整合商業模式研究: 以7-11與7net為例 A Case Study of Click-and-Mortar Retail Business: 7-11 and 7net in Taiwan |
Authors: | 沈愛玲 Shen, Ai-Ling 韓復華 Han, Anthony F. 企業管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 統一超;電子商務;虛實整合;零售業;商業模式;五力分析;SWOT;7-11;E-Commerce;Click-and-Mortar;Retailer;Business Model;Five Forces;SWOT |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 資策會研究顯示,2005年起台灣B2C電子商務市場規模,每年以倍數成長,由於進入門檻較實體通路低,競爭趨向白熱化,除了既有網路公司,實體零售業也開始發展虛擬通路,成立自有購物網站以擴大客源。統一超商於2010年正式推出購物網站自有品牌--7net,定位為雲端超商,至此,7net挾著統一超商完整的物流資源及多年累積之品牌優勢跨足電子商務市場,成為台灣第一個虛實整合(click-and-mortar)零售商。
本研究發現,7-11與7net的商業模式具備Charles Steinfield 2002年提出的四種虛實整合模式可能達成的優勢:低成本、加值服務、消費者信賴度、及地理性與客群延伸,是個體質健全的虛實整合模式。此外,7net破除7-11店面限制,將貨架無限延伸;另一方面,7-11密集的店面成為7net與消費者溝通的管道;以虛擬擴充實體、以實體支援虛擬,相輔相成產生綜效。然而,目前7net處於發展初期,知名度與產品項仍不足;市場上除既有的各大競爭對手,未來還可能有更多實體量販通路商跨足網路。面臨這些困難與挑戰,7-11與7net須盡快找出目前最適合的市場定位發展品牌策略,才有機會在台灣B2C網購市場永續經營。 According to the research by Market Intelligence and Consulting Institute, B2C e-commerce market in Taiwan is growing exponentially since 2005. Because of the low barriers of entry, more players are joining the competition and thus the rivalry in virtual channels becomes high. Besides the existing dot-com companies, physical retailers are establishing own-branded shopping websites to expand their customer segments. 7-11 launched its own-branded shopping website—7net. By leveraging 7-11’s logistics system and the brand awareness, 7-11 and 7net become the first click-and-mortar retailers in Taiwan. The thesis aims to study the click-and-mortar business model of 7-11 and 7net and how the two channels cooperate to create unique values for vendors and consumers. This quantitative research is based on secondary and primary data to review the early development and c-commerce strategies of 7-11. Further, it analyzes the external market with Porter’s Five Forces model, and depicts 7net’s business model with Osterwalders and Pigneur’s Business Model Canvas, along with its core competence and values. A SWOT follows to analyze the opportunities and challenges 7net may face, to serve as a reference for the other physical retailers that plan to go online. The thesis finds that 7-11 and 7net possess the four potential benefits of a click-and-mortar business may achieve (Charles Steinfield, 2002): low cost, value-add service, trust, and expansion of geography and segments, indicating 7-11 and 7net have a robust click-and-mortar constitute to grow and create synergy. On the other hand, as a new comer, 7net must build up its clear market position to compete against both existing and potential players, to obtain sustainability in B2C Internet market. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/48907 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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