標題: 全球在地化實務探討:以哈根達斯在中國的成功經驗為例
Successful Glocalization Practices:A Case Study of Häagen-Dazs in China
作者: 甯意倩
Ning, I-Chien
Han, Anthony F.
關鍵字: 全球化;全球在地化;跨國企業;哈根達斯;globalization;glocalization;multinational;Häagen-Dazs
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 20世紀以來,隨著跨國企業的興起,「全球化」的概念已被廣泛地被運用於各個領域,全球化被視為現代化的結果。全球化已成為趨勢,然而,世界各地的文化、風俗與消費習慣,卻不可能達到統一。因此Robertson. R在1994 提出「全球在地化」的概念,強調全球化必須與在地化緊密結合,亦即在全球性產品或服務中融入當地要素。 本篇文章引入「全球在地化」概念來進行分析哈根達斯為迎合中國本土文化所採用的營銷策略,藉以說明成功的跨國企業並非在全球各地複製同樣的消費風格,而是經由結合地方特性的脈絡,創造出符合當地文化的消費風格及熱潮。「全球化思維,在地化行動」,當企業在面對全球市場擴張之際,必須因應各地的特殊文化,採取整合全球化與在地化的策略,才能在競爭激烈的國際市場中脫穎而出。
In today’s world, due to rapid growth of multinational companies around the globe, the word “globalization” has become well-known and this concept is widely used in various fields. However, it should be considered whether globalization is the best way to be successful while performing in foreign markets. Multinationals should know that it is not logical to use only one marketing strategy for all the markets and that will not help them compete with other companies. It is necessary for a global company to adapt to each nation’s culture. So this idea brought about the concept of “glocalization.” In this paper, a case study will be carried out to analyze how the global brand, Häagen-Dazs, adapts to different local considerations, i.e. how they “glocalize.” This study looks at the successful experience of this global brand in China and aims to discover how they penetrated the optimum market segment. By adopting a systematic philosophy combining Segmentation Marketing (STP) strategies and the Marketing Mix (4P’s), this study evaluates successful glocalization practices. The findings convey an important message in terms of international marketing, which is that the company must adjust their global strategy to meet local’s needs in hopes of winning customers in this competitive global market.
Appears in Collections:Thesis