標題: 雙接面砷化鎵量子點太陽能電池之數值分析
Numerical Study of GaAs-Based Dual Junction Quantum Dot Solar Cells
作者: 石謦毓
Shih, Ching yu
關鍵字: 太陽能電池;太陽能電池;Solar cell;Solar cell
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 我們提出了一種新的組合,即雙接面砷化鎵量子點太陽能電池和數值研究。我們建立了我們的結構,並且使用MATLABR以及商用軟體SilvacoR和APSYSR。通過修改後的吸收係數k,和有效的量子點相關太陽能電池的帶隙的載子吸收適於一個適當的參雜物。最後的計算示出的最佳效率增強功能是約1.11倍的非量子點的嵌入式太陽能電池。這樣的設計有很大的潛力,實現三接面的串聯型太陽能電池。
A novel combination of quantum dot intermediate band solar cell and dual-junction tandem cell is proposed and studied numerically. We built our device model by using MatlabR coding and commercial software SilvacoR and APSYSR. A proper inclusion of quantum-dot-related carrier absorption is adapted through modified extinction coefficient k, and effective band gap of the device. The final calculation shows the optimal efficiency enhancement is about 1.11 times of the non-quantum-dot embedded device. This design has great potential to realize a triple junction result with a dual-junction photovoltaic device.


  1. 650601.pdf

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