標題: 即時1080P 30Hz高斯混合模型之去背景設計
A Real Time 1080P 30FPS GMM Based Background
作者: 許碩文
Hsu, Shuowen
Chang, Tiansheuan
關鍵字: 高斯混合模型;去背景處理;硬體設計;Gaussian Mixture Model;GMM;Background Subtraction;Architecture
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 以高斯混合模型(GMM)方式設計的去背景演算法效果不錯,但是它往往受限於計算量,以及更新每個畫面的每個像素時對記憶體頻寬的要求。 為了處理這些問題,我們提出了一個基於區塊處理、同時使用平行概念的VLSI硬體架構。原本的GMM演算法需要很高的記憶體頻寬,這點可以用內部記憶體來克服,但這同時會需要很大的面積來儲存,我們提出了以區塊分別處理畫面的方式來避免儲存整個畫面的資料,如此就可以節省內部記憶體的面積,同時又可以重覆使用外部記憶體的資料,藉以節省外部記憶體的頻寬,每個區塊所產生的結果會傳到之後的區塊,目的是使區塊處理的結果盡可能接近原使演算法;另外,GMM有相當多互相獨立的參數時常需要處理,為了節省這部份的計算量,我們利用它獨立的特性,加入了多套硬體平行處理這些參數。 此設計以TSMC 90nm的製程實現,可支援1080P的影像並且可用30Hz的速度執行,執行在內頻速度125MHz,邏輯閘數為553.5K。
Real time background subtraction design with Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) provides good performance but suffers from heavy computational complexity and memory bandwidth due to parameters updates per pixel per frame. To solve above issues while meet real time demand, this thesis proposed a VLSI hardware design with block based processing and parallel hardware. Original GMM operates on a whole frame, which demands high memory bandwidth. This bandwidth can be reduced by internal buffer but suffers large size. In this thesis, we propose to operate GMM on a block instead of whole frame to avoid whole frame buffer while reuse parameter data to save bandwidth. The corresponding result will be passed to neighboring blocks to keep our GMM result similar to that by the whole frame based GMM. The high computation cost is tackled by parallel processing for speedup by exploiting independent operations in GMM. The design is implemented on TSMC 90nm process, which supports 1080P at 30FPS. The gate counts is 553.5 K gates at 125MHz.


  1. 165601.pdf

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