Title: 虛擬空間之空間感與存在感探討
A Study on Sense of Space and Presence in Virtual Space
Authors: 翁千惠
Chien-Hui Weng
Yu-Tong Liu
Keywords: 網際空間;虛擬實境;空間感;存在感;cyberspace;virtual reality;sense of space;presence
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 電腦與網路的興起帶領我們進入數位化時代,同時也帶來了對「空間」另一種詮釋的可能性。相對於我們生活於其中的實體空間,電腦與網路等新媒材創造了全新的虛擬空間,全然不同於以往的空間概念,也打破了既有的空間形式。本研究將這些虛擬空間分成兩大類:一是電腦所模擬建構的空間,透過螢幕或虛擬實境等設備而呈現出來;另一是網際網路所形成的空間,我們在其中與世界各地的人進行交流。而欲探討的研究問題在於:這些虛擬空間的參與者或使用者,他們如何感知沒有形體的虛擬空間,透過哪些因子來認定空間,形成空間感,又是否能感受自己身處於虛擬空間之中,產生存在感?因此本研究目的是希望有系統地從使用者的角度來探討,他們所認定的虛擬空間定義;且透過虛擬空間中的哪些因子去建構自己的空間概念,形成對空間的感知;更進一步希望探討,他們如何在虛擬空間中產生身處其中的存在感受。 基於上述研究問題,本研究以兩類虛擬空間為對象,分成三個步驟來進行。第一個步驟採用社會科學之參與式觀察法進行,以最典型的網際空間―全球資訊網(WWW)為探討對象;希望從使用者角度得到虛擬空間中的場所╱空間╱空間感╱存在感之定義與關係,並獲得初步的空間感與存在感之決定因子。第二個步驟是進行空間感認知實驗,以全球資訊網之視覺化網站為主,採用認知實驗之口語分析法,分析使用者在虛擬空間中如何感知空間,形成空間感。最後一個步驟則是存在感認知實驗,同樣以口語分析法,而以沉浸式虛擬實境為對象,探討虛擬空間之存在感現象。 研究結果得到使用者對虛擬空間的感知現象,以及空間感與存在感的因子類別,進一步將其歸納成四個範疇:空間元素、介面操控、內在感知以及虛實切換,依據四個範疇之關係來解釋空間感與存在感認知過程。近年來,對數位科技與網路等研究大多著重於技術發展,以及內容的開發,缺乏從使用者的角度去探討,因此本研究的研究成果提供虛擬空間認知現象的進一步了解,同時所提出的空間感與存在感因子,可作為日後相關研究的評估參考。而後續研究可分成幾個面向,包括其他虛擬空間形式之探討、研究方法之改進,以及受測者之差異等,使研究結果更為完備。
The invention of computer and internet has led us into the digital era, and brought a new possibility of space representation in the meanwhile. Relative to the physical space that we live in, these new media has been creating a so-called “virtual space” that differs from the former space conception and breaks the existing formation of space. This study sorts these virtual spaces into two categories: one is simulation space that is generated by computer and represented through devices like computer monitor, head-mounted display, VR cave, and so on; the other is cyberspace where we communicate with others from all over the world. The research problems of this study are to investigate how the user or participant perceives the virtual space, through which factors they can recognize space and establish the sense of space, and whether they can feel live-in perception to generate presence. Therefore, the objectives are to systematically explore the definitions of virtual space from user’s aspects, to probe through which factors the users construct the sense of space, and to examine how they can further evoke the sense of presence. There were three methodological steps in this study. The first step was to investigate the typical cyberspace― World Wide Web via participant observation method of social science. The purpose was to get the definitions and relationships of virtual space from user’s points of view, as well as to gather the determinants of sense of space and presence. The second one was the cognitive experiment of sense of space in visual websites. Using protocol analysis to examine how the subjects perceive virtual space and construct sense of space. Final step was another cognitive experiment of sense of presence in fully-immersive VR to explore presence phenomena through, again, protocol analysis method. As a result, this study indicated four categories of the determinants of sense of space and presence. They were spatial elements, interface controlling, inner perceiving, and interchange between real and virtual. The relationships of four categories could be arranged to interpret the cognitive process in perceiving virtual space. The findings are significant to the evaluation of factors of sense of space and presence, and the understanding of user’s cognitive phenomena in virtual space. Future study will focus on the investigation of other virtual space formations, the improvement of research method, and the differentiation of subject background.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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