標題: SIPv6即時協定分析測試系統的設計與實作
Design and Implementation of a SIPv6 Real-time Protocol Analysis/Testing System
作者: 賴健利
Jain-Li Lai
Yi-Bing Lin
Whai-En Chen
關鍵字: SIP;RTP;協定分析器;SIP;RTP;Protocol Analyzer
公開日期: 2004
摘要: Voice over IP (VoIP)為第三代行動通訊IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) 中最重要的服務之一。在IMS中,VoIP分別以Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)與Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) 協定來傳輸信令和多媒體資訊。此外,IMS也採用IP version 6 (IPv6)來提供大量的位址空間、Quality of Service (QoS),以及隨插即用的功能。因此在建置IMS應用服務時,非常需要使用分析器來研究相關通訊協定。常見的Ethereal是一個開放原始碼的協定分析器,且能夠解析六百多種通訊協定標頭,但Ethereal並沒提供針對IMS分析的專屬功能。因此本論文針對IMS的應用服務,設計並實作出SIPv6 Analyzer。SIPv6 Analyzer不但能夠解析通訊協定標頭,也能用來分析SIP對話、產生SIP信令流程圖、播放RTP語音串流,並呈現封包統計功能。綜上所述,本論文所研發的SIPv6 Analyzer能有效地協助IMS應用服務的研發與建置。
Among the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) services, Voice over IP (VoIP) is one of the most important services. IMS utilizes Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) to transfer the VoIP signaling and multimedia information. IP version 6 (IPv6) is also employed in the IMS to provide large address space and new features including security, Quality of Service (QoS), and Plug-and-play. During the IMS service deployment, it is essential to utilize an analyzer to debug and investigate the IMS-related protocols. Ethereal is an open-source analyzer that can dissect more than 600 protocol headers. However, Ethereal does not provide specific functions for IMS services. To provide the desirable functions for the IMS services, this paper designs and implements a SIPv6 Analyzer. The SIPv6 Analyzer not only dissects the protocol headers but also provides the SIP dialog, SIP message flow, RTP replay and statistic functions for IMS services. Therefore, the SIPv6 Analyzer can help to develop and deploy the IMS services.


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