標題: 變焦皮膚鏡的研究與設計
Study and design of zoom dermoscope
作者: 謝明憲
Hsieh, Ming-Hsian
Chern, Jyh-Long
關鍵字: 光學;變焦;皮膚鏡;Optics;Zoom;Dermoscope
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 有鑑於皮膚鏡對於醫療診斷的重要性,但最普及的手持式皮膚鏡卻仍數位化不足,且多為舊式定焦設計,而功能較完整的桌上型機台卻價格高昂且缺乏移動性。加上近年來醫學美容的興盛,數位影像提供的醫療確效不可缺乏,因此本論文以光學變焦為核心,將此做為一個研究課題,希望設計一支變焦鏡頭用來搭配數位感光元件,組合成數位手持式變焦皮膚鏡。
Traditional dermoscope is important in medical diagnosis, but the most popular devices, hand-held dermoscopes, are fixed focal length lens design and still cannot store image in digital format for analysis or comparison in the future. This issues is more important today especially in medical cosmetic. Therefore, we decide to design a zoom lens for digital sensor to be a digital zoom dermoscope.
Appears in Collections:Thesis