標題: 限制送信方以阻擋廣告信的郵件控管機制
Registration-Based Mail Access Control Scheme With Encapsulated Addresses
作者: 林雲太
關鍵字: 廣告信;郵件伺服器;spam;junk mail;unsolicited commercial email;email
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 廣告信的問題近幾年來顯得越來越嚴重。由於電子郵件信箱的高暴露頻率,使用者每天都必須收下平均百封以上的廣告信件。不幸地,一旦某個電子郵件信箱被列入寄送廣告信的名單中,從此便不會被刪去,這使得廣告信的問題只會越來越嚴重,不會有減緩的一天。
Due to the unwitting exposure of email addresses to the Internet, almost every user will be forced to receive a large amount of spam everyday. Once an email address is found in the spammers’ list, unfortunately, it will never be removed from the list. Besides, spam could even be regarded as a denial of service attack against the whole Internet. Therefore, for fighting spam, we propose a scheme - Mail Access Control System (MACS), a system that uses a registry mechanism to block illegal emails or spam. Besides, in the MACS, there is a cooperative mechanism called Specific Sender Addresses (SSA) which are email addresses only given to the correspondents a user wants to communicate with and only allowed to be used by these specific correspondents. The length of SSA will be longer than the original one, so the transparency achieved by keeping correspondents’ SSA for users will be another important feature in the MACS. We will analyze the effectiveness of our scheme and evaluate the MACS by comparing the processing cost with the original mail server.


  1. 754302.pdf

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