DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChen, Shu Kuangen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來全球氣候的變遷以及能源價格高漲,讓人類愈來愈重視環保與節能。台灣的能源大都仰賴進口,照明用電約佔全國總用電量的15~20%,因此照明器具有效率的能源使用也將有助於節約用電,所以省電燈泡應是未來的照明的不二選擇。 本研究中所謂的「省電燈泡」是指:「發出相同光源,但比傳統鎢絲燈泡耗電量少的發光裝置,包括之前的一般省電燈泡和目前的LED節能燈(新型省電燈泡)。」(日光燈管被排除,不包含在本研究中) 主要研究目的如下: 1. 以新竹地區消費的消費者為案例,瞭解目前消費者購買省電燈泡之情況。 2. 探討消費者對省電燈泡相關政策的知識與態度。 3. 探討消費者對省電燈泡之品牌認知。 4. 探討廠商研發這些省電燈泡,消費者接受的程度。 研究調查以網路問卷方式進行,回收問卷數量為345份,統計方式用以卡方檢定來確認各變數之間的關連性。 經SPSS統計方法進行實證分析,實證結果發現如下: 1.省電燈泡購買動機、購買選擇、省電燈泡品牌形象、傳統省電燈泡選擇和購買金 額在人口統計變數上皆無顯著差異。 2.燈泡選擇、資訊來源 、「LED節能燈泡」的缺失、購買地點、 LED節能燈泡選擇和省電燈泡產品屬性在人口統計變數上則有較顯著的差異。 關鍵字:省電燈泡、消費者購買行為、品牌形象、品牌認知zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, climate changes and price of energy runs high, Human pay attention to environmental protection and energy saving gradually. Energy metropolis in Taiwan relies on imports. Taiwan electricity for lighting accounts for about 15 to 20 percent of the country's total electricity consumption.lighting fixtures and efficient energy use will also help to conserve electricity, so energy saving light bulbs should be the best lighting choice in the future. In this study, the so-called "energy saving bulbs": Making the same light, but power consumption less than the traditional incandescent light bulbs. Including the general energy saving light bulbs and LED energy-saving lamps (new energy saving bulbs)." (Fluorescent lamp are excluded in this study) The main research objectives are as follows: (1) To understand Hsinchu consumer’s power saving light bulbs consumer behavior. (2) To investigate consumers' knowledge and attitudes of the energy saving bulbs’ relevant policies. (3) To investigate consumer’s brand awareness of energy saving bulbs how to influence consumer’s purchase intention (4) To investigate manufacturers research and develop these energy saving bulbs the degree of consumer acceptance. The research investigation carries on by the network and paper questionnaire, received questionnaires are 345. Use SPSS statistical methods, the empirical findings are as follows: 1. The analysis results show no significant difference between the demographic variables and the following factors, Purchasing motivation of energy-Saving Lamps、Buying Behavior、Brand image、Choices of traditional energy-Saving Lamps and Purchase amount. 2. The analysis results show significant difference between the demographic variables and the following factors, choices of Lamps、Sources of information, the absence of the LED energy-saving light bulbs, place of purchase, LED energy-saving light bulbs selection and the product attribute of energy saving bulbs. Keywords: Energy-efficient bulb or the energy saving lamp; Purchasing behavior、 Brand image、Brand recognitionen_US
dc.subjectEnergy-efficient bulb or the energy saving lampen_US
dc.subjectPurchasing behavioren_US
dc.subjectBrand imageen_US
dc.subjectBrand recognitionen_US
dc.titleA Study of Consumer Behavior for Energy-Saving Lamps in Hsinchuen_US