標題: 機車騎士於機車停等區之行為研究
Study of Motorcyclists' Behaviors at Advanced Stop Areas
作者: 游恕信
Yu, Shu-Hsin
Woo, T.Hugh
關鍵字: 機車騎士;機車停等區;鑽車縫;Motorcyclist;Advanced Stop Areas;Lane Splitting
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 機車停等區之繪設提供機車騎士能於號誌路口停等於車隊最前方,並在綠燈始亮後可以相對於後方停等車輛先自路口紓解。但是機車騎士於紅燈時段到達路口時,不一定位於車隊最前方,直接進入機車停等區的路徑將可能受到阻礙。進入機車停等區後,不同轉向機車之停等位置亦無相關交通規則可遵循。本研究觀察機車騎士由臨近路段進入路口於機車停等區停等紅燈,並於綠燈始亮後離開路口之行為過程。透過實地錄影分析獲得量化資訊,瞭解機車停等區的實際運作情形,並輔以問卷調查來瞭解機車騎士對機車停等區設置之使用經驗、看法以及其對安全的感受。研究將機車停等區依其與各車道相對位置關係共分為四大類,於台北市、新竹市兩地區共選擇10個號誌化路口,於天橋上進行錄影拍攝。各路口於尖、離峰時段分別收集15個號誌周期後,挑選其中10個號誌周期進行歸納分析,總計錄得機車樣本2984個。紙本問卷於台北市、新竹市兩地區發放,共118份,網路問卷部分共回收325份。錄影結果發現機車於紅燈到達進入路口的方式於各實驗地點皆不盡相同,當機車受到阻礙時,騎士將視情況選擇進入路口之路徑,其路徑以車道外側空間或是車道上兩車之間空隙為主。研究結果顯示機車停等區類型對機車騎士於紅燈到達進入路口至綠燈始亮離開路口的行為過程皆有顯著的關聯性。機車騎士行為會受到機車停等區類型所影響而有所差異,其中機車停等區對機車騎士行為過程影響最大的是其進入方式,停等位置其次,影響最小的是騎士離開路口的轉向,相關性最低。自機車停等區起步時,不同轉向機車起步路徑交織產生衝突的情形頻繁;機車跨越停止線以及汽車闖入機車停等區,在錄影以及問卷結果中都顯示這兩種情形相當頻繁。
In Taiwan, Advanced Stop Areas (ASAs) for motorcycles are installed almost every intersection. The typical installation consists of a square marking with a motorcycle stencil inside. This area provides motorcyclists with the opportunity to wait in front of traffic, giving them a priority to start earlier when the signal turns green. This study examined the behavior of road users, obtaining quantitative information on the behavior of motorcyclists and other road users where there are ASAs. Research method included the analysis of video data taken from selected sites and survey of motorcyclists. In this study, ASAs were categorized into four types according to its layout. The analysis was drawn from 20 hours of video data, which covered 2,984 motorcyclists observed. Questionnaire surveyed 118 motorcyclists who were intercepted at a parking lot. In addition, another 325 motorcyclists were recruited via social network to complete a survey. Both observation and survey results found that more than half of motorcyclists approach the ASAs adjacent to the curb when they are not already being ahead of traffic. Motorcycle encroachment in the pedestrian crosswalk and motor vehicle encroachment are general problems at all layout types studied. Results from the Chi-Square Test of Independence conclude that there is a relationship between layout type of ASAs and motorcyclist behavior. Nearly half of the surveyed motorcyclist thought that the ASAs made the intersection safer.
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