Title: | 建構供應鏈網路模擬遊戲 Construction of supply chain network simulation game |
Authors: | 呂美德 Lu, Mei-Te 張永佳 王志軒 Chang, Yung-Chia Wang, Chih- Hsuan 工業工程與管理學系 |
Keywords: | 教學輔助工具;供應鏈網路;悅趣化數位學習;Teaching aid;Supply chain network;Game/Toy-based e-learning |
Issue Date: | 2011 |
Abstract: | 供應鏈管理做為一個較貼近實務面的課程,學習的方向應該著重在能夠實際應用之上,而利用「遊戲」模擬一個虛擬的實作環境做為教學輔助工具,讓學生可以透過實際操作充分了解所學,是一個有效的教學輔助方法。國立交通大學工業工程與管理學系於2009年開發了一個生產與運籌管理遊戲平台(simulation of production and logistics environment, 稱為SIMPLE),此平台為一個教學輔助遊戲軟體,可以藉由調整參數的方式讓遊戲應用於多種與生產與運籌相關課程的教學。由於SIMPLE所提供的供應鏈模型是屬於線性的模型,也就是每階層僅包含一個成員,無法應用於與供應鏈網路的設計與規劃的教學。因此為了提高學生對供應鏈設計問題的了解,本研究設計了一個具有供應鏈網路設計功能的模擬遊戲軟體,連結設置於SIMPLE網站可與供應鏈課程教學的相關功能搭配使用,本軟體能夠自行調整供應鏈中各成員的參數,針對供應鏈網路所需要考量的補貨模式、運輸模式與設施位置進行模擬,並以圖形化的方式將模型運作的情況呈現在遊戲畫面上,且完成的模型可儲存為電子檔案重複利用。在課程中使用時,可設定各種情境進行教學,利用競賽的方式驅使學生在有限的條件下運用課程中所學的技巧改善供應鏈,以達成情境中的目標。本研究系統利用物件導向語言JAVA進行分析與設計,並加入悅趣化數位學習的設計概念,使學生在遊戲中能有效進行實作式的學習。 Supply chain management is a course with more practical perspective than others thus requires more contents focus on real practice and application. “Game” is an effective method of teaching aid which simulates a virtual environment to allow students apply and comprehend the knowledge they learned from lectures. Simulation of production and logistics environment (referred as SIMPLE hereafter) developed by Chang et al. (2009) is a game software of teaching aid. The software can adapt different courses related to production and logistics. The game provides a linear supply chain model that only has one affiliate each echelon. When studying in supply chain network design and plan, SIMPLE cannot use current model to simulate. In order to raise the understanding of supply chain network design for students, this study constructed a simulation game software which can design supply chain network. The software can be used with SIMPLE for supply chain course and link at website of SIMPLE. The functions of this software are which can adjust replenishment mode, transportation mode, and position of facility for members of supply chain, display the graphic model on game frame, and save the file of model for reuse. The software can set varied scenario for instruction and use a competition of improving supply chain to promote students apply the skill in lectures. This study used Java which is an object-oriented language to analyze and design a simulation game. The concept of Game/Toy-based e-learning is introduced into this game. Students can learn in practice effectively in this software. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/50070 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |