标题: | 网络结构、知识吸收能力、组织敏捷性与组织绩效之关系研究 The Relationship among Network Structure, Absorptive Capability, Organizational Agility and Organizational Performances |
作者: | 许瑜玲 Hsu, Yu-Ling 杨千 Yang, Chyan 资讯管理研究所 |
关键字: | 网络结构;知识吸收能力;组织敏捷性;组织绩效;Network Structure;Absorptive Capability;Organizational Agility;Organizational Performances |
公开日期: | 2011 |
摘要: | 网路经济时代的来临,让企业所面临的竞争环境发生变化:市场需求不确定性的风险、知识更新的流动皆相较过去来得快速。而在这严峻的局势下,企业该如何维持自身的竞争优势,快速应对周遭环境变化,创造市场价值,遂成为近年来多方研究探讨的主要议题。本研究针对组织敏捷性(organizational agility)加以分析,并将企业角度分为组织外部于产业网络中的结构位置、连结关系,与内部知识吸收能力的强弱两个方向迳行探讨,以了解企业转化风险,再造竞争优势,进而提升绩效的关键能力。 本研究以台湾各产业高阶经理人及公司员工为研究对象,研究之初透过文献的收集及阅读,根据过去学者所发展之研究理论,延伸出本研究的研究模型与假说,并据以建立结构方程模式(structural equation model),再参考声望等级较高的西文文献,定义变数与确立问项资料,发展出问卷量表。问卷设计完成,首先进行小样本的前测分析,微幅调整问卷内容后再正式发放研究问卷。本研究最终搜集260份的有效样本,接着进行后续的统计分析与假说检定,归纳出本研究最后的结论及策略意涵。 The approach of the network economic generation changed the competitive environment that companies faced, such as uncertainty of market necessity and faster information circulation. With this harsh environment, how to maintain the vantage, hasten the response ability and create more value is a critical issue for all enterprises. This research positioned organizational agility as the main factor, analyzed the enterprise into external and internal aspects: The structural position and connecting relation of external property network, and the internal absorptive capability. The overall research goal is to figure out the key ability of organization to reverse the risk and reforge the vantage in order to enhance performances. This research is responsible for Taiwan's industry senior managers and employees. Related literatures are collected at first and then the research model and hypothesis are extended accordingly. With the Structural Equation Model (SEM) constructed and high-level literature referenced, the variables and question items are decided to form the questionnaire. Pilot test is carried to adjust the questionnaire with few samples. After minor revision, the formal questionnaire is confirmed and released. Totally 260 effective samples is taken to execute statistically analysis and hypothesis testing, then the conclusions and strategic implications are induced. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/50133 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |