Title: 雲端儲存服務之照片分群系統
Cloud Photo Storage Service Based on Clustering Method
Authors: 林厚
Lin, Hou
Chyan, Yang
Keywords: 雲端儲存;事件分群;照片管理;使用者體驗;Cloud Storage;Event Clustering;Photo Management;User Experience
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 在雲端時代的趨勢之下,可預期未來網路速度將大幅提升、儲存空間的成本也越來越低,加上智慧型行動裝置迅速地普及,讓許多網路的創新應用服務嶄露頭角,其中雲端儲存服務對於改變網路使用者的儲存行為躍躍欲試,許多網路使用者也傾向願意使用網路硬碟的雲端儲存服務,而偏分享性質的照片資料便是容易讓使用者接受的雲端儲存服務。
With the trend of cloud computing, the Internet speed increases dramatically and the cost of storage space gradually reduced. At the same time, smart phone is getting rapidly popular. Therefore, many innovative applications of Internet service have been developed. For Example, Cloud storage service is attempting to change the user's behavior of storage. Although this is a new model of behavior, many Internet users are willing to use a cloud storage service to store their files as a hard disk. Moreover, cloud photo storage service is more acceptable because of the photo-sharing feature.
In this research, we expect to change user's behavior of photo management and prompt user to store all photos on cloud storage service. The usage pattern of the default device is smart phone, and then we provide a photo clustering system which is matching user's habits and increasing user's experience as a cloud storage service. This research analyzes the user's behavior of personal photo album management to use the automatic clustering method to organize photos for user. Also, this research combines the concept of cloud storage services to design a photo management system. The clustering method uses the factor of time and location to execute photo clustering. We expect that the clustering result is same as the result organized by user. All photos will be displayed on the interface combined by album regional and map regional to increase user's experience in photo browsing.
Appears in Collections:Thesis