標題: 網拍賣家配送商品之選擇行為模式
Modelling Choice Behavior of Delivery Provider of Online Auctioneer
作者: 林維薇
Lin, Wei-Wei
Feng, Cheng-Min
Huang, Yu-Kai
關鍵字: 網路拍賣;電子商務;店到店寄件;羅吉特模式;Online auction;e-commerce;store to store;logit model
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 隨著網路普及與電子資金轉帳的便利性,除了加速網路商業性的發展,同時帶動了全新的交易觀念與消費習慣,使得電子商務成為消費者新興的購物方式。電子商務的物流機制係使其能順利完成買賣雙方交易的重要一環,但由於一般網路虛擬商店並沒有自身經營實體配銷的系統,商品的配送則須將交給第三方物流進行物流配送的後端工作;因此,無論電子商務發展如此迅速,能掌握通路與速度的電子商務業者才是握有核心競爭力的贏家。有別於其他國家電子商務的物流配送情形,台灣地區由於便利商店的網絡綿密,將藉由多媒體事務機與便利商店的物流機制的結合,並經由共同配送的概念,發展出店到店寄件的服務。然而店到店寄件服務的加入,勢必會影響原先市占率的改變,未來如何與其他第三方物流業者瓜分網拍配送市場將會是值得探討的問題,有鑑於此,本文以網路拍賣的非專業賣家為研究對象,並調查對於網路科技接受度較高且曾使用過網路拍賣之學生族群,探討不同使用網拍買賣商品頻率之非專業賣家面對網拍配送市場的各種物流方式時其物流方式之選擇行為。 首先依照受訪者買賣網拍商品的頻率分群,並分別建構多項、巢式與混合羅吉特模式,瞭解賣家在網拍結標後選擇物流行為的影響因素。結果顯示不同群之賣家選擇各物流方式之因素有所不同,除了物流費用、運送時間、遺失賠償與服務據點等共生變數外,商品價格、移轉障礙、網拍扮演的角色、使用平台、使用經驗、買賣商品種類、物流費用金額與運費支付者等網拍特性、常使用金流與物流服務,以及性別、年齡、教育程度與居住地點等社經特性,皆會影響不同群賣家對於物流方式選擇行為。透過概似比檢定結果得知,混合羅吉特模式之解釋能力優於多項羅吉特模式與巢式羅吉特模式,由混合羅吉特模式的結果顯示,不同群之每位賣家對於各物流方式之運費會有不同的感受,其中以較少使用網拍買賣商品之賣家感受差異較大。最後,針對模式之結果期能提供給物流公司發展物流行銷策略之參考。
Online auction is a new type of shopping methods due to the convenient internet. In Taiwan, many e-commerce-related deliveries are operated by third party logistics providers. In the electronic commerce dealing, the service of delivering consumers' orders to buyers can be seen as the last mile of logistics service, especially for the individual online auction through the C2C transaction. In comparison with other countries, the major difference of logistic of e-commerce between Taiwan and other countries is the RD (Retail Delivery) system. Because of the safe payment way and the quick delivery, the RD service by convenience stores hasbecome a substantial provider of the electronic commerce logistics in Taiwan. This paper explores the structure of logistic for retailing delivery, home delivery and post service for online auction. The data were collected from 1071 surveyed students who have ever purchased goods via online auction. We divided these respondents into two distinct segments by shopping frequency for online auction. Then we applied multinomial logit model, nest logit model and mixed logit model, to understand what relevant factors would affect online auction sellers’ choice behavior of logistic in delivery service. The estimation results of logit models reveal that the important determinants influencing the selection of logistic providers consist of freight, transit time, service location, and compensation. Other relevant characteristics of socio-economic and options of online auction, commodity price and switching barriers of logistics also play considerable influences on modal choice behaviors in two segments. And mixed logit models taking individual heterogeneity into account highly improved in explaining modal choice behaviors. Finally, we discussed the findings from managerial perspective and suggest directions for future research.


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