Title: 消費者網路購物從眾行為之研究 –以Yahoo!奇摩拍賣網站為例
The Study of Herding Behavior in Online Auction - A Examination of the Yahoo!Kimo Auction Website
Authors: 許瓊方
Chiung-Fang Hsu
Dr. Chyan Yang
Dr. Jen-Hung Hwang
Keywords: 線上拍賣;從眾行為;資訊階流;價格訊息;Online Auction;Herding Behavior;Information Cascade;Price Information
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 拍賣網站在近年來成為新興的購物通路,它的優點是不需出門就可以找到便宜、多樣化的商品,還可以享受競標購物的樂趣,因此吸引眾多消費者上網尋寶。過去國內對於拍賣網站的研究多限於競標機制、交易安全、交易成本等面向,縱使有關於消費者行為的研究,大多將重點放在哪些因素會影響消費者使用拍賣網站的意願,以及當消費者開始使用拍賣網站後,如何處理眾多的資訊,做成購物決策;然而,究竟是什麼樣的資訊或者是什麼樣的因素會造成消費者在網路購物時產生從眾行為呢?本研究 以Yahoo!奇摩網站的線上拍賣商品結標資料,試圖瞭解消費者在網路競標活動中非理性的從眾行為之發生。本研究以國內線上拍賣領導者-Yahoo!奇摩拍賣網站為資料蒐集來源,自 2006 年 1 月 1 日 至 3 月 31 日期間,選定 X-BOX 電動遊戲機為研究標的進行資料分析與蒐集。有效樣本有174筆。茲將所蒐集的標的資料,彙整利用複迴歸模式來分析影響線上拍賣買家從眾行為之因素。實證結果分別如下:

1. 起標價格對從眾行為有顯著影響。同時從眾行為亦顯著受到設定底價影響。
2. 贈品與圖片說明能夠促成從眾行為的產生。
3. 賣方評價機制部分影響對從眾行為。
Online auction is a new type of e-commerce that started in the United States of America. It combines the conventional auction model with modern information technology. With the convenience and connection of internet, we can access the auction website to bid or sell merchandise without limitation of time and location. With millions of people constantly online, the effectiveness of the online auction is far greater than that of the conventional one. This research illustrates one of the most well-known auction websites—Yahoo!Kimo online auction to understand the herding behavior on key mechanism and what main elements which caused by. The data is collected from Yahoo!Kimo Auction Website, from 1st January, 2006 to 31st March, 2006. The X-BOX was chosen and analyzed. The valid samples are 174.The findings and suggestions of the study are: 1. The start price and the reservation play great parts in herding behavior of online auction. 2. The accessories or services bundled with and picture provided effect the herding behavior of online auction. 3. The credibility of the seller changes the possibility of herding behavior of online auction
Appears in Collections:Thesis