標題: | 應用感性工學於國際快遞之服務設計 Using Kansei Engineering to Service Design of International Express |
作者: | 蕭佳豪 陳穆臻 Chen, Mu-Chen 運輸與物流管理學系 |
關鍵字: | 國際快遞;服務設計;感性工學;淨相關最小平方法;International Express;Service Design;Kansei Engineering;Partial least square |
公開日期: | 2011 |
摘要: | 臺灣地狹人稠,自然資源大多仰賴海外進口;透過出口臺灣得以將資源進口加值打造出「臺灣製造」 (Made in Taiwan, MIT)的品牌產品銷往世界各地。回顧近年來產業發展趨勢,可以理解國際貿易對我國的重要性,臺灣的地理位置優越,位於東亞與東南亞間亞太地區之要衝位置,且海空國際運輸能力強大,成為臺灣發展國際物流的最大優勢。國際快遞業務占我國航空總貨運將近五成比重,國際快遞業者在日趨激烈的產業競爭下,如何提供符合顧客真實需求的服務將成為關鍵競爭優勢。
隨著時代的變遷,服務設計轉向以消費者為導向(consumer orientation),在眾多的同業廠商競爭下,建立產品品牌、善用媒體行銷與創造產品差異化來提升企業核心競爭能力。為了提升產品與服務的競爭力,生產者必須主動瞭解消費者需求。
感性工學(Kansei Engineering)緣起於日本,是一種協助產品開發之工具,能將顧客對產品的感覺轉換成設計元素之技術。相較於其他工具,感性工學較能貼切地表達出使用者的真實感受,它採用個人的字彙來表達使用者感知與象徵特性並建立合適架構,優於其他方法採用產品開發專家定義之術語,並且它能將情緒反應與設計特性的交互關係建立成量化的架構。
本研究將感性工學與淨相關最小平方法(Partial Least Square, PLS)導入國際快遞的服務設計,分析出服務設計元素與顧客感性間之關係模式;並且分別找出國際快遞服務企業客戶最重視的感性與最符合顧客需求之國際快遞產品特性;模式結果可以作為未來設計國際快遞服務之建構概念;成功發展出一套系統化的服務設計流程。 In Taiwan, the industry of international express, who were providers and integrator of innovation service, is very important. Now, because of the business has a lot of value, it will attract more and more competitors. In order to win in this market, these companies found that they must know customer’s and user’s persception, or in Japanese is “Kansei”. Then, integrating those imformation with product-service design process is an important issue. In Japanese, the concept of sensing a situation or an artifact and building an individual emotional response is called the “Kansei”. Kansei Engineering (KE) was developed as a consumer-oriented technology for new product development. It is defined as "translating technology of a consumer's feeling and image for a product into design elements" (Nagamachi, 1986). It has some advantages; firstly, KE establishes a suitable framework for working with symbolic attributes and user perceptions, expressed in their ownwords; sec-ondly, it also establishes a framework for quantifying the relationships between design characteristics and emotional responses. Recently, partial least square (PLS) is also used in other fileds such as marketing, in-formanagement and operational management. This paper used it to establish 4 models. It could find the relationship between product property (PP), kansei (K) and usage intention (UI). Using the result, the product items and the kansei of an ideal international express service, could be listed and ranked. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/50205 |
顯示於類別: | Thesis |