Title: | 應用感性工學於服務設計 ─ 以宅配服務為例 Applying Kansei Engineering to service design - A case of home delivery service |
Authors: | 周孟旗 陳穆臻 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 宅配服務;服務設計;感性工學;偏最小平方法;Home delivery service;Service design;Kansei Engineering;Partial least squares |
Issue Date: | 2011 |
Abstract: | 台灣地區之「宅配」產業近年來持續成長中,主要由於一般顧客收送貨、企業顧客收送貨、虛擬商店市場商品宅配服務等業務量增加。也由於台灣的宅配產業日漸成熟,顧客的需求也日趨多元。顧客在重視價格之餘,亦逐漸注重服務水準。優質的宅配業務已不僅是單純的配送服務,還須特別要求服務水準。對於服務提供者來說,必須先了解顧客所需,才能發展出顧客導向的服務。 新服務總能帶給人類新的喜悅,但是人類將逐漸習慣並且期待更新的服務,所以服務設計是永不終止的。消費者對宅配服務的需求與期望不斷在改變,設計者必須掌握消費者真實的感覺,才能創造出符合消費者期望的服務。事實上,因為服務的特性之緣故,少有以服務創新為主題的研究。 「感性工學」(Kansei Engineering) 能將消費者的真實感覺應用於產品設計的過程中此方法納入象徵性產品特性與使用者表達內心感覺的淺白語言,並建立適當架構量化產品設計要素與消費者情緒反應之間的關係。設計者若能掌握消費者對各種宅配服務之特性的感受,並了解消費者內心的期望,則將可依此為服務創新的方向。 然而目前感性工學相關研究皆以實體產品 (或可視產品) 為研究對象。故本研究將嘗試應用感性工學於服務性產品設計,此以宅配服務為對象產品。本研究首先廣泛收集形容宅配服務的形容詞,接著蒐集並分析國內各種宅配服務產品具備何種特性,按照宅配服務三個主要的階段,即服務提供者提供寄件服務、貨況查詢服務以及送達服務分門別類。並且藉由感性問卷調查了解消費者對各種宅配服務之看法與感受,再以因素分析 (factor analysis) 歸納出消費者重視的感覺,並利用偏最小平方法 (partial least square) 分析感性與使用意願的關聯,並與因素分析結果比較,藉以判斷重要的感性用語。 接著,本研究同樣應用偏最小平方法分析宅配服務產品特性與消費者感受之關聯,最後以消費者重視的感性所對應到的服務產品特性去組合出理論上最能為消費者所接受的宅配服務產品。此即為設計宅配服務的設計概念。 The home delivery service industry in Taiwan has grown fast in recent years. This is because of the growing of normal customer delivery business, enterprise customer delivery business and virtual market. As home delivery service industry becomes more mature, the demand of customer also becomes more various. Customer today cares about not only price but also service level. Quality home delivery service is now not only refers to simple delivery business. Service provider has to realize what customer really needs first then comes the possibility to develop customer-oriented service. Peoples get used to new service quickly and are always expecting new service. Thus the design of new service never ends. Designers have to know the real feeling of customer and then they can design new service which is able to fulfill customer’s expect. In fact, because of the characteristics of service, there are only a few of researches related to service design. Kansei Engineering is able to transform customer’s real feeling into the process of service design. This method considers simple words which represents feeling and is able to quantify the relationship between feeling and design elements. However, Kansei Engineering is usually applied for designing visual products. Therefore, this research applied Kansei Engineering at designing service product, here refers to home delivery service. Firstly, this research collected words that can describe home delivery service widely. Secondly, this research collected and analyzed the properties of domestic home delivery service products. Finally, this research identified important feelings by applying factor analysis and partial least squares. After that, this research applied partial least squares again to analyze the relationship between home delivery service products properties and customer’s feeling. Then this research combined those properties which are strongly related to important feeling. The combination is an original idea of new service design. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/50217 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |