標題: 台北市研究所補習班服務品質與滿意度之研究-以台北市大專院校學生為例
A Study on Service Quality and Satisfaction Toward Cram Schools for the Entrance Exams of Graduate Institutes in Taipei City-A Case Study of College and University Students in Taipei City
作者: 劉孟寧
關鍵字: 補教業;服務品質;顧客滿意度;PZB缺口模式;cram schools;service quality;customer satisfaction;PZB gap model
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 摘要 本研究之主要目的在探討「升研究所補習班服務品質與滿意度之研究」,顧客對補習班所提供的服務品質之期望與實際知覺的差距,應用Parasuraman、Zeithaml& Berry三位學者所提出之服務品質概念模式,其中衡量服務品質之構面包括有形性、可靠性、回應性、保證性及關懷性等五大服務品質構面,瞭解服務品質屬性或構面及顧客滿意之關係,以進一步提升顧客對補習班服務品質的滿意程度,做為補教業者改善之参考依據。 本研究透過文獻探討方式,歸納出服務品質五項構面之問卷設計,並以台北市大專院校之學生為研究對象。研究發現,顧客對補習班服務品質各構面有顯著的期望與實際感受的差距,且以回應性構面差距最大。顧客主要期望的項目為﹝該補習班對顧客承諾能及時完成﹞,其次為﹝當顧客遇到困難時能表現出關心並提供協助﹞;而顧客在﹝該補習班的信譽良好值得信賴﹞、﹝該補習班的服務人員態度友善﹞有最高的實際知覺。根據不同人口統計變數與顧客滿意度之差異分析得知,男性在顧客滿意度之服務品質構面相較於女性感到比較滿意,且教育程度為專科的顧客相較於大學/四技、研究所含(以上) ,有最高的顧客滿意度。研究結果也顯示服務品質與顧客滿意度息息相關,以關懷性構面之顧客滿意程度最高。 因此,研究所補習班可参考PZB的服務品質模式,透過服務品質五大構面,找出既有服務品質的缺口,弭平顧客期望與實際知覺的落差,進而提升顧客滿意度,以在此競爭激烈的市場中永續經營。
Abstract The main purpose of this study is to examine service quality and satisfaction toward cram schools for the Entrance Exams of Graduate Institutes via the gap between expectation and actual perception toward service quality provided by cram schools. Service quality conceptual models proposed by three scholars, Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry are applied and among them, the five dimensions to measure service quality include tangibility, reliability, response, guarantee, and caring, in order to understand quality attribute or dimension and satisfactory relationship of customers and to further improve satisfaction of customers toward service quality of cram schools for future improvement of cram school owners. This study through literature review designed five-dimensional service quality questionnaire and surveyed college and university students in Taipei City. The survey indicated the significant gap between expectation and actual perception of customers in each dimension toward service quality provided by cram schools, especially, the dimension of response. Customers mainly expect “timely delivery of promises of cram schools to customers,” and secondly “caring and assistance to customers when they have difficulties” while customers perceived with highest scores toward “good reputation and reliability” and “friendliness of service staff.” From variance analysis of different demographical statistic variables and satisfaction difference of customers, male customers demonstrate with higher satisfaction than the female toward service quality dimensions and customers of junior college graduates have higher satisfaction than those graduating from universities/four-year colleges and universities of science and technology and graduate institutes (and up). The research results also show the correlation of service quality and customer satisfaction and caring dimension is found to have the highest satisfaction. As a result, cram schools for entrance exams shall refer to PZB’s service quality model and through five dimensions of service quality, gap of existing service quality can be identified to narrow down that from actual perception, to improve customer satisfaction, and to sustainably manage in the fiercely competitive market.