Title: 網路口碑因素影響消費者購買數位相機說服效果之研究
The Influence of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Factors on the Persuasion Effect for Purchasing Digital Camera
Authors: 翁嘉伶
Weng, Jia-Ling
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 網路口碑;消費者行為;數位相機;Electronic word-of-mouth;Consumer behavior;Digital camera
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 隨著網際網路的發展與消費者購買習性的改變,網路口碑對於消費者購買決策具有影響力,特別在購買消費性電子產品時網路口碑的評價是重要資訊來源。本研究以EBM模式決策過程為理論基礎,並以數位相機為例,探討消費者於購買決策時主要參考的網路口碑來源,哪些影響網路口碑因素會影響消費者購買數位相機的決策,進而影響網路口碑說服效果。此外,本研究亦透過人口統計變數進一步探討購買動機、數位相機屬性與網路口碑之間的關係,深入探究網路口碑對消費者於數位相機購買決策的影響以及對何項族群有較大影響力與差異。

With the development of the Internet and the changes in consumer buying attitude, electronic word-of-mouth has influence on consumer to make purchasing decisions, the evaluation of electronic word-of-mouth is an important information sources especially when
buying consumer electronics.This study based on the EBM model theory and takes digital camera as example, exploring the main reference source of electronic word-of-mouth when making purchasing decisions, and which factors that influence electronic word-of-mouth will has impact on consumers when making digital camera purchasing decision, then affect the electronic word-of-mouth persuasion effect. In addition, this study also explore further on the connection with purchase motivation, attributes of digital cameras through demographic variables’ perspective. Studying more on which group that the electronic word-of-mouth has more influence on when making digital camera’s purchasing decision.

In this study, Internet users were used as the target of sampling for data collection. The research result shows that customers with different demographic variables have significant differences on the purchase motivation, attributes of digital cameras, and the degree of emphasis on factors that influence electronic word-of-mouth. Among the factors that influence electronic word-of-mouth, the construct of the sender’s expertise, word-of-mouth activity sought, and the consensus all have significant positive correlations with the word-of-mouth persuasion effect, especially the degree of sender’s expertise has more influence. This study also makes practical suggestion and the future research direction for companies’ electronic word-of-mouth marketing method in the end.
Appears in Collections:Thesis