Title: 社群網站使用者之隱私顧慮與滿足理論
Does Gratification Among Social-networking User Reveal its Privacy Concerns?
Authors: 傅瀚儀
Fu, Hani
Tang, Ying-Chung
Keywords: 社群網站;使用與滿足理論;隱私顧慮;Social-networking Site;Uses and Gratification;Privacy Concerns
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 社群網站的使用者之涉入越來越高,隱私顧慮也隨之高漲。本研究探討使用者是如何從社群網站得到滿足之差異性,且如何預測使用者之隱私顧慮程度。台灣資料來自網路問卷調查,針對在台灣社群網路使用者調查,有效問卷樣本為448份。本研究透過SAS 9.2 之探索性因素分析及區別分析進行資料的探討與假說檢定。另外,除了重新探討滿足理論,我們更想要了解的是社群網站廣告對使用者之影響。 研究結果顯示,社群網站使用者之滿足與隱私之關係,以自我品牌認同感最具相關性。本研究使用滿足理論了解使用者對於隱私顧慮之考量,這代表我們可用自我品牌認同感預測使用者對於隱私之顧慮程度。
Nowadays, users are highly involved in social-networking site and as people use or are engaged to the social-networking sites more, privacy issues arouse. We study gratifications sought and discrepancies in gratifications obtained from the social-networking sites in an attempt to predict privacy concerns. Thus, this is the research topic that we intend to study and discuss. The data presented in this study were collected from an online (web-based) survey of Taiwan's users. We use the statistical analysis software SAS 9.2 to conduct Discriminant Analysis, Reliability Test, and Exploratory Factor Analysis with a valid sample size of 448. Furthermore, we also include attitude toward social-networking advertisements as one of our variables to study the gratification of SNS. The results of exploratory factor analysis and discriminant analyses indicate that privacy concerns is strongly related to the perception of the gratification from social-networking site obtained. A comparison of discriminant loading indicates that such insight is a function of overall perceptions of gratifications obtained from social-networking sites.
Appears in Collections:Thesis