標題: 新竹都會區輕軌路線評估之研究
An Evaluation on light rail route alternative in the Metropolitan Hsin-Chu area
作者: 鄭志強
Chih-Chiang Cheng
Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: 多評準決策;層級分析法;TOPSIS;輕軌路線選擇;模糊理論;群體決策;Multi-criteria Decision Method;Analysis Hierarchy Process;LRRT alternative selection;Fuzzy theory;Group Decision
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 新竹都會區為一個新興之科技型都市,為使都會區域得以均衡發展,大眾運輸建設的推動是一大要因。然而,在進行大眾運輸系統路線方案評選決策時,應同時兼顧公平與效率,因為建構大眾運輸系統,不僅影響當地產業分佈、人口遷移、擴大都會區通勤、經濟活動空間等層面,而路線規劃評估作業與決策過程之正確與否更是未來大眾運輸系統發展成敗的關鍵所在。因此,如何評選出最妥適之路線規劃,實有必要建立一套客觀的評估方式,以評選出符合各方需要之路線。 本研究具有眾多決策考量之特性,故採多評準決策方法(Multiple Criteria Decision Making),並在本研究中結合多層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)、模糊理論及TOPSIS (Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution)作為分析此一研究之方法,以降低路線方案決策系統之複雜性與資訊不確定性。本研究所採用之評估準則包含量化及質化準則,為處理簡化過程,首先利用模糊理論將質化準則先予以量化,使評估準則均成為量化模式,再利用TOPSIS方法進行路線方案順序評選,建構出本研究的多準則路線方案評估模式。 本研究以學者專家、政府官員(含交通、環境保護、都市計畫方面)三個群體為調查對象,作為數據取得的來源。群體決策在標的方面顯示三群體,以路網服務範圍最高、次為興建與維護成本、其後依序為搭乘方便性。在評估準則方面顯示三群體,以路網服務範圍最高,而最低為保障民眾權益。故據10項決策準則評估,本研究結果顯示路線方案二:以光復路為主軸,經由新源街與水源街綠帶北行,沿忠孝路佈設之運輸路網為最妥適方案,可作為未來政府評選新竹都會區輕軌路線方案參考。
Hsin-chu is a newly developed technology-oriented city; the execution of public transpiration is the key factor to maintain the equally developed metropolitan Hsin-chu. The authority needs to take fairness and efficiency into consideration when making decision on route alternative selections of public transpiration. The plan, evaluation, decision-making process, and execution of route alternative selections of public transportation not only influences many facets of urban development, such as, the distribution of industries, population migration, the expansion of urban commutes, and economic activities, but also influences the key elements of the development of public transportation. Thus, the focus was placed on providing an objective means of the evaluation. Four methods are used to solve the complexity issue in this decision-making process, including Multiple-criteria Decision Method (MCDM), and combined Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP), Fuzzy theory, and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution). The utilization of the four methods lowered the complexity and information uncertainty of the decision-making system of route alternative selections. This study employed the quantitative and qualitative criteria. To simplify the research process, we quantified the qualitative criteria with Fuzzy theory, thus, all the estimation criteria are all in quantitative formats. Then, we selected the priority of the route alternatives with TOPSIS and developed the evaluation of decision making of route alternative selections. The research data were obtained from government officials, academic researchers in the expertise areas of transportation, environmental protection, and urban planning. The results showed that there were three classifications, and the highest (0.245) was route service range, the second highest is convenience of transportation, the third is protection of civil rights. The evaluation criteria showed the three groups; route service was the highest and protection of civil rights was the lowest. In conclusion, route #2 was selected as the most suitable alternative for the planning of the metropolitan Hsin-chu area.


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