標題: 中正國際機場至臺北捷運系統路線方案評估
作者: 劉至得
Liu, Chih-Te
陳武正, 江清馦
Wucheng Chen
關鍵字: 多評準決策法;多準則評估法;層級分析法;模糊理論;TOPSIS;MCDM;MCEM;AHP;fuzzy theory
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 政府為發展中正國際機場成為亞太空運轉運中心,提供中正國際機場 便利的聯外運輸系統,故有興建中正國際機場至台北之捷運系統之計畫, 但由於捷運系統建設經費龐大,在當前政府財政短絀情形下,政府決定以 B.O.T(興建、營運、移轉)方式推動本計畫,政府對本計畫路線規劃採 兩端點固定,中間路線及場站允許民間自行彈性調整方式,故未來如何評 選申請人所提送之路線規劃方案,實有必要建立一套客觀的評估方法,以 評選出能符合各方需要之路線。 本研究因具有多目標性,故採 多評準決策方法(Multiple Criteria Decision Making),結合層級分 析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)、模糊理論及TOPSIS法,以層 級分析法構建路線方案評估的層級架構並求算取各準則之權重,本研究所 採用之評估準則包含質化準則及量化準則兩類,為簡化評估過程,利用模 糊理論將質化準則先予以量化,使評估準則均成為量化的型式,最後再用 TOPSIS方法進行路線方案優劣順序評選,構建出本研究的多準則路線方案 評估模式。 本研究在考慮地形、工程技術、土地取得、環境影 響及兩端點固定等條件限制下,並參考台灣省政府住宅及都市發展局及民 間廠商所規劃之路線,共研擬出甲、乙、丙、丁四條路線方案,經本研究 評估後,以丁案為最優路線。 C.K.S. National Airport to Taipei M.R.T. System route Alternative Evaluation ABSTRACT In order to develop C.K.S. national airport as regional operation benter of of hub, A project is proposed by government to built M.R.T. system between C.K.S.airport and Taipei. It is difficult for goverment to afford large expensesto carry out to project. So it is planned to implement the project in B.O.T. scheme by private sector. The route can be determined in the principle offlexible besides destinations. The private sector can choose the route according to their analysis. So it is improtant to establish a partial evaluation process to decide which one best. This research not only wtilizes Multip Criteria Making (MCDM) method but also combines AHP Method Fuzzy theory, TOPSIS. In other words , we determine the framework of criteria and weighted by AHP, qualitative criteriaare quantalized by Fuzzy theory, Finally, list the priority of the alternativesby TOPSIS. The research considers alternatives in the constrains of terrain, engineer technique, land acquisition, environment impact,and trip end ; Four alternatives ( alternative A,B,C,D ) are proposed, and, alternative D is considered as the best .