標題: 市港關係調整之研究-以台北市與松山機場為例
The Adjustment of the Relationship Between City and Airport – the Case of Taipei City and SongShan Airport
作者: 方孝猷
Shiao-Yu Fang
Cheng-Min Feng
Rong-Tsu Wang
關鍵字: 市港關係;台北市;松山機場;多準則評估;Relationship between city and airport;Taipei City;SongShan Airport;MCEM
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 松山機場為目前提供國內各大都市及離島共10條航線,占國內航空市場25條航線的40%,提供國內市場72%的航班量,其在國內航空重要性與對於台北市航空交通的影響性不容忽視。由於松山機場位於台北市內,隨著台北市高度的整體發展,相對促使台北市與松山機場之間未來發展的課題更形關切。由於在機場與市政府之間存在著跨層級的行政關係,影響著松山機場與台北市之間未來整體發展的形式。本研究試著從國內海港市港合一文獻的啟示與聯想,對於國內機場與都市之間的關係調整進行研究,並回顧與整理國外機場組織類型與發展案例,在探討市港關係調整之下,藉由機場組織型態的調整,以松山機場與台北市政府為例,研究未來機場組織與市政府參與的發展類型。 本研究從市港關聯事項的探討以及國外機場組織類型的整理之後,為增進機場的營運自主性以及機場與都市的協調發展的共榮目標之下,進行市港關係調整方案的研擬,並利用多準則評估方法建構目標體系與方案,藉由此一目標體系對於各調整方案進行評估,藉由專家學者的問卷結果,透過簡單加權法(SAW)的計算,分析各方案之相對排序,找出各專家群體所偏好的方案。 評估結果顯示,經由民航局、市政府以及學者專家三個群體的專家代表評選後,三者皆對機場管理機構(Airport Authority)形式一獨立機場管理法人組織,具有較高的偏好傾向,初步研究未來市港關係與機場組織型態的發展趨向,提供未來機場組織形式調整與市政府參與形式的參考。
Song Shan Airport nowadays provides 10 air routes to major cities or to offshore islands, which accounts for 40% of total 25 air routes and 72% of total air flights in domestic airline market. The importance of Song Shan Airport to the domestic airline market and the impact of it on air traffic in Taipei City are never to be overlooked. As Song Shan Airport is located in Taipei, the compatible development between Taipei City and Song Shan Airport is a critical issue. The different administration between Song Shan Airport and the City government effects the compatible development pattern between them in the long term. Based on the past lesson of “the unity of city and port” for major domestic seaports, this study tries to analyze the current relationship between Song Shan Airport and Taipei City, reviews international airports organizations and the process of their development, develops some alternative airport organizations, and then explores and evaluates the organization types of Song Shan Airport and City government based on some objectives and corresponding criteria. In order to improve the operation autonomy of airports and the co-ordination between airport and city, the study uses the MCEM(Multi-Criteria Evaluation Method ) to set up a goal structure to evaluate alternatives and conduct the questionnaries survey to the experts. Then, the study uses the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method to calculate the evaluated results and find out the preferred alternatives. The evaluated result shows that all of the three experts group form CAA(Civil Aeronautics Administration), Taipei City government, and scholars prefered the alternative:”Airport Authority” to develop the harmony relationship between city government and airport.


  1. 650401.pdf
  2. 650402.pdf

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