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dc.contributor.authorChen, Ying-Zhihen_US
dc.contributor.authorTseng, Daviden_US
dc.description.abstractThe Wrap & The Loop wrap有包覆、纏繞、蓋起來、圍起來、隱蔽的意思。 loop有循環、環狀的曲線、形成環狀、環狀物、環行,電腦學有封閉電路的意思。 我把城市的發展或是都市的更新,所做的”動作”,都視為是在城市中存在的”物件”之間產生wrap &loop 。 都市發展過程裡,公共建設的開發與更新,城市的擴張與向外發展,新舊建築的淘汰與置換,都是做wrap & loop ,城市與城市之間的發展,透過公共建設與公共運輸系統的連結,將原兩端的城市聯繫起來、舊城市將現有狀態不佳的”物件”重新包覆、蓋起、隱蔽起來。 原本城市的中心或是城市的邊陲開始wrap & loop本論文透過四個現存都市中完全不同狀態的物件,用wrap & loop 去詮釋。 透過現存物件的特性、型態,用wrap & loop 去詮釋、改良、改善,形成新改革下的模式,也是一種架構在過去舊有”物件”的重新詮釋,置入或產生新的系統模式。 Envelope & Twisted & Weave 討論如何利用回收材料的特性將建築wrap,利用3R,Reduce (減量)、Reuse (重複利用)、Recycle (循環再造)的方式構成一種Building Envelope 。而我選定的回收材為傳輸帶,傳輸帶本身是橡膠的材料,背後有多層棉、尼龍、聚酯等纖維編織成的分層織物。如何利用傳輸帶的材料具有結構性,成為Building Envelope,並且降低生產中的碳足跡,為本次的課題。 Plant movements & System & Structure& Performance 討論如何從自然生物機制所衍生出的系統,運用在建築、活動、環境規劃等。而我選定的生物為含羞草,我從含羞草因為感受到濕度的改變,使得維管束內水分的改變,導致葉枕的收縮等一連串開合的動作,衍生形成一種結構上的loop,與空間內的活動該如何在這樣loop的空間成立。 Path & Mobility & Facility 重新探討都市中的Infrastructure與現況使用的情形,發展公共建設與生活機能結合的新型態。在捷運開通後,搭公車的族群開始改變,公車路線提供了使用族群的線索,在這題目中將等公車與生活結合在一起,公車路線提供了都市中的loop,將搭公車的族群需求置入其中,公車站重新的wrap之後,轉型成新的facility,在都市中的角轉變成可提供休閒活動的場所。 Between 2m-4m-6m 探討都市更新下,許多台北舊城區的建築面臨要淘汰的問題,而許多巷弄文化z面臨被脆毀的命運,我們該如何運用現存於都市中的空間去改善或解決。都市中後巷的空間的髒亂、陰暗、加蓋違建的問題,如果改善後可以提供都市、社區、街廓中多大的改變,利用後巷 2m-4m-6m 的厚度,創造都市中綠帶與休閒空間的loop。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Wrap & The Loop The wrap is meant wrapping, winding, covering up, and being enclosed and hidden. Loop is meant looping, a loop of curves, the formation of loops, loop objects, and circles. It is also meant a closed circuit at computer science. This "movement" is referred as the development of cities and the urban renewal which are regarded as the wrap and the loop among objects that exist in the cities. In the process of the urban development, the wrap and the loop can be referred to the development and renewal of public works, the urban expansion and external development, and the elimination and replacement of old and new buildings. The development among cities, it indeed connects with the cities at both ends through public works and public transportation systems, and then to wrap, to cover up, and to hidden these " objects”which are not good in the old city. Basically, we did the wrap and the loop beginning from city central or city frontier. This thesis illustrates the objects which are completely different status in four existing cities with the wrap and the loop. Through the existing features, object properties, we are able to improve, to illustrate, and to form the mode under new revolution. It is also a frame that redefines these old objects in the past as well as the system which is for replacement and renewal. Envelope & Twisted & Weave In the discussion on how to use recycling materials which are 3R properties- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, to wrap a Building Envelop. The recycle material selected in this thesis is transportation belt. The transportation belt is made from rubber, the rear is with multi-layer cotton, nylon, and multi-layer cotton polyesters. It is the main discussion purpose on how to reduce the carbon footprint in the production and to utilize the transportation belt with its constructional properties to complete Building Envelop. Plant movements & System & Structure & Performance In the discussion on the system which is from a natural creature mechanism, to utilize at architectures, activities, and environment plans. Mimosa is selected, which has a property with an opening and closing movement, Pulvinus shrinking response is therefore caused by the changes in humidity as well as the changes among vascular bundles. It performs how to set up a loop space with such a constructional loop and an internal space activities. Path & Mobility & Facility To re-investigate the situation on the current using infrastructures in the city, to develop public works and a new type of the function of life. Since MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) has started, it changed the group who is taking buses; instead, bus routes offer the clues for knowing the certain using group. As it is known the bus routes, it can offer the urban loop when we place our lives and bus waiting together. In this part, in the discussion on bus stations after being re-wrapped, how to convert into a kind new facility which is able to became leisure places in the city. Between 2m-4m-6m To probe into urban renewal, the elimination problem on old buildings at Taipei old town, it in addition affects some cultural lanes and streets, which are going to be destroyed. Therefore, how to improve and solve the problems which exist in the urban spaces. If there is an improvement on dirty, darkness, and unauthorized or forbidden buildings among lanes and streets, it will be a big change for our urban, community, and street. To utilize the 2m-4m-6m thickness at rear lanes, to create a leisure and green loop in urban city.en_US
dc.titleThe Wrap & The Toopen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis