標題: 城市/建築的共生性
Symbiotic of City/Architecture
作者: 顏伯菘
Yen, Po-Sung
Kung, Shu-Chang
關鍵字: 共生;城市;建築;能源;物件;Symbiosis;City;Architecture;Energy;Object
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 就像⽣命體⼀樣構成⽣物體的最⼩單位-細胞,⼀個城市也是由⼩細胞(空間),構成-組織(建築),類似的 ⼀種或多種機能相同的細建築/空間集合在⼀起,像住宅區、商業區…等。⽽當多個組織(建築)開始聚成 簇群時,雖然有著不⼀定相同的組織,但卻是為了能夠使得整個結構更完整,形成特定的構造,社區 (器官)的網路就開始運作,最後社區(器官)彼此之間影響、串流下,就把整個城市視為是⼀個完整的系 統。 組織-建築的共⽣:如果平常每個⼈⽣活所會經歷的空間,卻能夠因為⾝體的極限感知產⽣型變,並 轉換成相似卻不相同的新空間型態,那麼是否會對舊有的空間模式產⽣多向性的連結呢。在這個設計 裡,在⼩尺度的空間裡,操作既有的空間型式,把他們重新的組構和定義,使得這些細胞(空間)發⽣新 的關聯性,然後附加在既有的舊的建築體上,讓新的構造物去治癒舊建築體,讓兩者之間產⽣互利共 ⽣的關連。 器官-社區的共⽣:這個設計案是有⼀個社區型的區域範圍尺度,聯接社區之間的垃圾處理問題,也 探討了如何使⽤垃圾產⽣能源來回饋基地上的建築物使⽤。如何使得⼀塊基地在能源的進出能夠達到 不需使⽤外來的能源能夠⾃⾏產能,且不是開發地球資源,⽽是使⽤再⽣能源來達到這個社區零耗能 的範例樣本。 系統-城市的共⽣:⼩尺度的能源計畫外,這個提案顯⽰了⼀個⼩型城市的規模。在SDE的其中⼀個基 地-⻄⾨町,讓這裡成為零能耗區,除了在能源屋和頂樓裝有太陽能板之外,試圖創造出更多的可再⽣ 能源,CSP(聚光太陽能發電),⽣物質能,風能和地熱的規模。且為了讓這些可再⽣能源能夠有效的 分配到各個需要使⽤的地⽅,測量系統(WAMS)、數據中⼼(MDMS)及計量化基礎設施(AMI)能 夠管理每⼀⼾的電能耗損,並使得整套系統運作得更準確。
Like living organisms, cells are fundamental building blocks, and a city is built by small cells (space) and structures (architecture). It is composed by similar mono- or multi-functional space/ architecture, such as residential districts and commercial districts. When each different space/ structure aggregates, it composes a more complete and functional society with a stronger structure. The network of a community (body organs) has been formed and starts functioning. For the interrelations of a community (body organs), the city is treated as a complete system. Organization – The Symbiosis of Architecture: If the changes in our living spaces are like the changes in our bodies according to our sensations, and transform like different bodily conditions, the new living spaces will react to the existing space and result in a multi-directional spaces. In this design, the small scale of space operates in the existing space, and reconstructs/ redefines the correlation among cells (spaces). These new spaces are formed to preserve old architecture and to create mutualism. Organs – The Symbiosis of Community: this design is about the sale of community, which discusses the problem of refuse disposal and how refuse can be recycled as material for buildings and architecture, and how a site can consume energy by self-sufficient means, without sourcing additional energy, thereby conserving global resources, using renewable energy to reach the goal of a near Zero-Energy Community. System – The Symbiosis of a City: Besides small scale energy planning, this proposal revealed the scope of a small city. In order to make one of the SDE Sites - Ximending, a nearly Zero-Energy district - the installment of Solar Energy on roofs is necessary in order to produce more renewable energy, including CSP, biomass energy, wind power and geothermal energy. Furthermore, in order to efficiently distribute energy equally to all the areas in which it is needed, WAMS, MDMS and AMI are built to accurately operate the system, such as to illustrate the electricity consumption for each household. Moreover, in order for the internet and people to reach a mutualistic symbiosis, there are four main points discussed in this proposal: how to reduce pollution, how to maximize green space in the city, how to establish transportation, and the circulation of water resources.