標題: 以行銷理論探討陸生來台政策及陸生感受情形之研究
Analyzing the Implementation Marketing Strategies of “Policy of Mainland China Students Allowed to Study in Taiwan” and Surveying the Perception of Mainland China Students in Taiwan
作者: 郭妍秀
Kuo, Yen-Hsiu
Chen, Chi-Yuan
關鍵字: 陸生來台政策;陸生;三限六不;行銷組合;招生策略;policy of Mainland China students allowed to study in Taiwan;Chinese student;three restrictions and six noes;Marketing Mix;the strategy of recruitment
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究旨在探討台灣高等教育機構招收陸生之策略以及陸生來台後對於台灣高等教育之感受度,並利用行銷組合4P與4C之架構作為研究之討論架構。為此本研究利用非結構式訪談法,分別與七所大學負責陸生招生事宜之承辦人員以及其校一至三位的陸生進行訪談,以蒐集各大學推行陸生招生之策略或方式及陸生來台後對於台灣高等教育之觀感,整理與歸納訪談資料將其套用至行銷組合4P與4C之架構中,以瞭解大學所釋出的招生策略與陸生需求間的異同處,藉以瞭解學校策略面與學生需求面之間的符應程度,並根據學校面與學生面間之異同處提出建議,以作為未來台灣各大學招收與輔導陸生之參考。 本研究所獲之主要結果如下: 一、我國政府招收陸生採取「階段性、漸進開放、完整配套」以及「三限六不」 為準則,並訂有相關招生辦法與陸生輔導手冊以進行招生。 二、台灣多數大學無特別針對學校師資、課程與資源擬定招生之策略,多以現有 高品質之師資、課程與資源來吸引陸生,而多數陸生對此皆感到滿意 三、多數陸生雖能接受在台灣尌學之學費額度,但其仍對於各大學在教育部規範 內訂定的學費收取標準以及政府在獎學金與工讀金上之限制多感到不滿 四、目前台灣招收陸生雖為聯合制,但其實際上是屬大學之自主事宜,此矛盾更 反應在兩岸宣傳限制上,以致大學招生管道受限,進而影響陸生蒐集來台資 訊與報名之便利性 五、礙於陸生招收政策之初辦與兩岸宣傳協定之限制,各大學在招生宣傳的作法 上多不到位,陸生來台多透過論壇或BBS等非正規管道來蒐集所需之資訊 六、陸生來台多無適應上之問題,多數大學對陸生亦採取被動之輔導方式,僅於 陸生主動提出需求時方給予支持 七、大學能成功招收陸生多仰賴學校長久以來所建立之優良口碑,此亦為陸生擇 校時最為重視之關鍵 八、三限六不之限制及對台灣的大學資訊掌握度不足為陸生來台主要之顧慮,此 亦為大學招收陸生所面臨之困境與挑戰
This research aims to discuss the strategies (a Marketing Mix of 4P and 4C) used by the various institutes of higher education in Taiwan in enrolling students from Mainland China, and the perception of Chinese students at the higher education institutes in Taiwan. In order to achieve this purpose, an unstructured interview was deployed for select people in charge of recruiting Chinese students at seven different universities, and also for a total of 19 Chinese students at these universities. These interviews will compile the strategies and methods that universities use to promote the policy of Mainland China students allowed to study in Taiwan, and the feeling that Chinese students have toward institutes of higher education in Taiwan. In arranging and summarizing the information of the interview, the structure of Marketing Mix, 4P and 4C, will be applied to it. Accordingly, further understanding can be enhanced, including the differences and similarities between the ways of recruiting Chinese students by universities and the real needs of Chinese students, and also on the level the strategy of the school meets the student’s needs; this could serve as a reference for the recruitment of Chinese students and act as a guide for universities in Taiwan. The main results of this research paper are as follows: 1. The standards to enroll Chinese students in Taiwan are implemented in incremental stages, coupled with complementary measures, and guided by the principle of three restrictions and six noes. The Ministry of Education was responsible for constructing the Act and the manual of student counseling as the norm to recruit Chinese students. 2. Most universities in Taiwan do not have special teaching resources, courses and strategies about recruiting Chinese students. Instead, they recruit Chinese students with the current high-quality teaching resources, courses and resources, which most of the Chinese students are satisfied with. 3. Though most Chinese students can accept the tuition payments in Taiwan, they still have dissatisfaction toward the Tuition Standard set by universities under the standard of The Ministry of Education, and to the limitations prescribed by the government on scholarship and part-time payment. 4. At present, Chinese students’ recruitment in Taiwan is under the Joint University Programs Admissions System; however, it actually belongs to the universities themselves. This contradiction responds to the publication restrictions across Taiwan Strait, making the recruitment by universities limited and further influencing the Chinese students’ availability of information to Taiwan and the convenience of admission. 5. In view of the fact that the policy of Mainland China students allowed to study in Taiwan is at its infancy and that publication restrictions across Taiwan Strait are limited, the publicity of the recruitment among universities is neither complete nor intense. Chinese students collect information on studying in Taiwan through informal methods such as online forums and BBS. 6. Most of the students from Mainland China in Taiwan do not have problems of adaption. Therefore, the institutes of higher education in Taiwan do not actively counsel Chinese students. Only when Chinese students ask for help does the university offer assistance. 7. The successful recruitment of Chinese students in universities in Taiwan relies on the established reputation of universities, which is also the most valued key point for Chinese students in choosing the school to apply for. 8. The principle of three restrictions and six noes, and the lack of knowledge and understanding of Taiwan universities are the two main concerns for Chinese students. These concerns are the difficulties and the challenges for the institutes of higher education in Taiwan to recruit Chinese students as well.


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