標題: 行動情境式學習對自我效能、自我調節與學習成效之影響:以英語學習校園植物為例
The effect of mobile context-aware learning on self-efficacy, self-regulation, and student achievement: The case of learning plant in English
作者: 張凱昱
Chang, Kai-Yu
Sun, Chih-Yuan
關鍵字: 自我調節;自我效能;行動學習;情境式學習;self-regulation;self-efficacy;mobile learning;context-aware learning
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 近年來,由於科技快速發展,網際網路及行動載具的普及,使得學生學習不再侷限於教室內,戶外現場的學習可使學習者身歷其境。許多研究紛紛開發課程結合行動載具的教學方式,使學生透過行動情境學習方式進行學習。由於自我調節與自我效能為影響學習成效之重要因素,故本研究由此二面向,探討學習者於行動式學習下學習校園植物英語之學習成效。 本研究透過所開發之行動情境式校園植物英語學習系統,對大學生及研究生進行施測。其目的主要為探究學習者之學習成效是否有顯著提升,與學習者學習動機中的自我調節能力、行動載具與英語自我效能對於學習成效之影響,以及學習者自我調節與行動載具自我效能高低分組下,學習者之學習成效是否具有顯著差異。最後分析學習者對於系統的認知易用性與認知有用性。 本研究透過蒐集大學生與碩士生共41名樣本,進行施測後發現,學習者整體的學習成績前後測有顯著的差異,且在自我調節高低分組之下,後測學習成績在高自我調節組的學習者顯著高於低自我調節組。而學習者的自我調節與英語自我效能可顯著預測學習成效。此外,在本研究中,自我調節能力在學習前後的改變,亦可預測學習者之學習成效。最後學習者認為所開發之系統對於學習校園植物英文是有用以及容易使用的。本研究成果希望能作為行動載具導入英語教學與未來相關研究之參考。
Due to the rapid development of technology and the pervasiveness of the Internet and mobile devices, learning is no longer restricted within the physical classrooms. Contextual learning allows learners to directly immerse in the real life situations or contexts, developing lasting and meaningful learning experiences. Increasing number of researchers have developed curriculums incorporating and harnessing the use of mobile devices so as to enable students to learn through mobile situational learning styles. To achieve learning outcomes and achievements which is the objective of a learning process, factors of learner motivation, such as self-regulation and self-efficacy, become particularly important. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to explore how students’ self-regulation and self-efficacy affect their learning outcomes in the contextual mobile learning environment. In this study, a contextual mobile learning system was developed to facilitate the process of learning plant in English. The system was trial tested with the undergraduate and graduate students. The research purposes were to explore: 1) the impact of contextual mobile learning on learners' learning effectiveness, 2) the effects of mobile learning, learners’ self-regulation and self-efficacy in English language on the learning performance, 3) the differences in learning performance between groupings of students with different levels of self-regulation and self-efficacy, and 4) students’ perceived ease of use and usability of the developed system. Forty-one undergraduate and graduate students participated in this research. The result showed that there were significant differences in the participants’ learning performance in the pre- and post-tests. In addition, the post-test results of participants with high level self-regulation were significantly higher than those with low level of self-regulation. It was also found that participants’ level of self-regulation and self-efficacy in English language could predict learning performance. Moreover, the changes of self-regulation resulted from the learning process also predicted student’s learning performance. Finally, participants considered the developed contextual mobile learning system to be useful and easy to use. According to the research results, the implications and research limitations were discussed. Recommendations were provided for future researchers and educators embarking on contextual mobile learning research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis