標題: 廣域網路中的虛擬機器傳送
Teleporting Virtual Machine over Wide-Area Network
作者: 賴敘方
Lai, Hsu-Fang
Wu, Yu-Sung
關鍵字: 線上搬移;儲存資料重複刪除;廣域網路;Live migration;Storage de-duplication;Wide-area network
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 虛擬機器搬移為基礎設施即服務(IaaS)雲端運算環境中的重要功能之一,傳統的虛擬機器搬移專注在宿主機器(Host machine)間轉移記憶體及處理器之狀態,虛擬機器的硬碟即必需要在搬移時讓來源與目地宿主機器都能夠存取。如此一來傳統虛擬機器搬移的範圍即被限制於區域網路(LAN)中,因為跨越廣域網路(WAN)地存取存儲裝置的效能並不理想。然而有越來越多的基礎設施即服務雲被建構在全球各地,虛擬機器搬移將很快地需要被使用在這些距離太遠只能藉由廣域網路連結的宿主機器上。我們提出一個有效率的跨廣域網路虛擬機器搬移系統,其關鍵技術在於一個運用預先整理好的索引來重組存儲裝置的機制。我們的實驗結果顯示此機制不只減少在廣域網路中的資料傳輸量同時也縮短了搬移所花費的時間。我的實驗結果指出平均減少66%的資料傳輸量以及節省59%的搬移時間。大大地增進搬移的效能。
Virtual machine (VM) migration is one of the key features of infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) cloud computing. Conventional VM migration focuses on transferring a VM’s memory and CPU states across host machines. The VM’s disk image has to be accessible to both the source and destination host machines during the migration. Therefore, conventional virtual machine migration is limited to host machines that reside on the local area network (LAN) since sharing storage across wide-area network (WAN) is very inefficient. However, as more IaaS clouds are being constructed around the globe, VM migration will soon be needed for host machines that are far apart and can only be reached from each other over the wide-area network. We propose a system to allow efficient VM migration over WAN. The key technique is a mechanism to rebuild VM storage by using pre-calculated indexes. This mechanism not only reducing amount of data transferring over WAN but also decrease total migration time. Our experiment result indicates that about average 66% of data is reduced on transferring and 59% time is saved during migration. Improve the migration performance greatly.
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