標題: 無線行動裝置環境下的動態多媒體樣版之設計與製作
The Design and Implementation of Dynamic Web-Based Multimedia Templates for Empowering Users of Wireless Pervasive Computing Devices
作者: 馬志南
Edouard Ma Poon
Dr. Deng-Jyi Chen
關鍵字: Pervasive Computing;Multimedia;Templates;Mobile Computing;Pervasive Computing;Multimedia;Templates;Mobile Computing
公開日期: 2003
摘要: In this study, we present an approach to reach and augment users of pervasive computing devices to create powerful multimedia presentations using dynamic web-based multimedia templates (DWMT). In a pervasive computing environment, templates provide flexibility for mobile users with little time and resources at their disposal by assisting them when creating such presentations. We designed and implemented a traffic incident system (MobileCampus) that effectively demonstrates the practicability of DWMT and extends the use of these templates beyond the desktop PC to reach users of pervasive computing devices. We note that while several applications for pervasive computing devices have been implemented and deployed, a successful application should also identify specific challenges in a computing environment that contributes towards the vision of pervasive computing and enhances the user experience. In our approach, we take an application-centric viewpoint of these challenges, as well as the characteristics of the mobile user and device limitations into account when designing our system.
In this study, we present an approach to reach and augment users of pervasive computing devices to create powerful multimedia presentations using dynamic web-based multimedia templates (DWMT). In a pervasive computing environment, templates provide flexibility for mobile users with little time and resources at their disposal by assisting them when creating such presentations. We designed and implemented a traffic incident system (MobileCampus) that effectively demonstrates the practicability of DWMT and extends the use of these templates beyond the desktop PC to reach users of pervasive computing devices. We note that while several applications for pervasive computing devices have been implemented and deployed, a successful application should also identify specific challenges in a computing environment that contributes towards the vision of pervasive computing and enhances the user experience. In our approach, we take an application-centric viewpoint of these challenges, as well as the characteristics of the mobile user and device limitations into account when designing our system.


  1. 761501.pdf

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