標題: 由三維動物模型產生V型摺疊立體卡片之研究
V-fold Animal Pop-up Card Generation from 3D Models
作者: 胡詠寧
Hu, Yung-Ning
Shih, Zen-Chung
Way, Der-Lor
關鍵字: 立體卡片;動物;三維模型;pop-up;animal;3d models
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 立體卡片為紙張藝術的一種,泛指在頁面中加入可動機關或立體紙藝的卡片,而立體書則是由多個立體卡片組合而成的書籍。此種藉由展開來彈出各式各樣立體結構的藝術作品,無論是大人或小孩都十分喜愛。然而立體卡片的設計與製作並非相當容易,為了使卡片完美順暢地開闔,需要豐富的經驗,即使是熟練的專家也要透過不斷地嘗試錯誤才能設計出構造複雜的立體書或是立體卡片。 立體卡片的種類相當多,本篇論文利用三維動物模型來產生V型摺疊的立體卡片。藉由觀察模型的特徵並歸納出數種類型,擷取模型各部位的輪廓作為立體卡片中元件的形狀,組合成立體卡片。在產生元件的過程中,為了使結果能符合立體卡片的各項性質,也必須考慮到各個元件之間的關係。另外,本篇論文也實作了模擬立體卡片成品開闔的動畫,讓使用者能夠觀看卡片展開的效果。
Pop-up is an interesting form of paper art which fascinate children and adults. It is fun to look 3D shapes jump up from the page, and these shapes can be stored in the pages flat when the card is closed. However, manual design of pop-ups is not an easy task. It needs lots of experience to make the pop-up open and close perfectly. Even for proficient masters, it would take a lot of time to complete a pop-up design. In this thesis, we focus on a common class of pop-ups which is called v-fold pop-ups. We introduce different types of animal pop-ups and propose an algorithm to create v-fold pop-ups from 3D animal models. In our system, we find the representative contour of every part from a segmented model, and then use the contour as the shape of the pop-up piece. We compose them together to generate a pop-up card. Additionally, we implement the simulation of the pieces popping up as it is opened. This pop-up animation enables the designer observe the pop-up card before making it manually.
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