標題: 工作鑲嵌與離職傾向的關聯:工作內外控及人格特質的調節作用
Job Embeddedness and Turnover Intention: The Moderating Effect of Work Locus of Control and Personality
作者: 涂秋月
Tu, Chiu-Yueh
Wang, Yau-De
關鍵字: 工作鑲嵌;工作內外控;人格特質;離職傾向;Job Embeddedness;Work Locus of Control;Personality;Turnover Intention
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 「如何留住優秀的員工」是企業主管及人力資源管理者重要的課題。本論文研製之目的主要在探討個人對於組織及居住社區的工作鑲嵌程度和離職傾向的關係,以及工作內外控和人格特質對工作鑲嵌和離職傾向間關係的調節作用,期望研究結果能助益企業制定有效留才策略並反饋選才方向,在資源有限下,成就企業及員工適才適所的雙贏情境。 本研究的對象為台灣各行各業的員工,採用問卷調查方式蒐集資料,發出270份問卷,收回257份,回收率達95%,扣除10 份無效問卷後,共得247份有效問卷。資料分析以階層迴歸法檢驗本研究假設,實證驗證結果如下:(1) 工作鑲嵌與離職傾向呈顯著的負向關係;(2) 工作鑲嵌子構面和離職傾向之關係:契合和離職傾向呈顯著負向關係;連結和離職傾向呈顯著負向關係;犧牲和離職傾向呈顯著負向關係;(3)人格特質與離職傾向有關係,經驗開放性程度高者,離職傾向較高;宜人性程度高者,離職傾向較低;神經質程度較高者,離職傾向較高;嚴謹自律性及外向性對離職傾向的關係不顯著;(4) 工作內外控、經驗開放性、嚴謹自律性及神經質人格特質對於工作鑲嵌與離職傾向的關係之調節作用不顯著。
How to keep the best employees is an important task to employers. The purpose of this research is not only to explore the relation between job embeddedness and turnover intention, but also to examine the moderating effect of work locus of control and personality on the relation. The findings can serve as a guide to companies for developing effective personnel retention and recruiting policies. The sample was drawn from the companies in different industries and the data were collected by questionnaire survey. Two hundred and seventy questionnaires were distributed and 257 of them were returned with a response rate of 95 percent. The final sample included 247 participants after 10 incomplete questionnaires were excluded. Hierarchical regression analyses were used for hypothesis testing. Several findings were derived as follows. First, turnover intention is negatively and significantly associated with job embeddedness. Second, the fit dimension of job embeddedness has a significant negative relation with turnover intention; the link dimension has significant negative relation with turnover intention; and the sacrifice dimension has significant negative relation with turnover intention. Third, turnover intention is negatively associated with agreeableness personality but positively associated with openness to experience and neuroticism personality. Fourth, work locus of control, openness to experience, conscientiousness, and neuroticism personality don’t moderate the relation between job embeddedness and turnover intention.