標題: 台灣TSV 3D IC之產業架構與發展趨勢分析
The Analysis of Taiwan’s TSV 3D IC Industry Structure and Development Trend
作者: 廖文傑
Liao, Wen-Chieh
Li, Rong-Kwei
Li, Chang-Chung
關鍵字: 五力分析;3D IC;矽穿孔;矽中介層;一條龍;Five Forces Analysis;3D IC;TSV;Interposer;Turnkey
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 「後PC」時代的來臨,各式輕巧便捷的電子行動裝置日漸普及,促使電子產品往更輕、薄、短小的趨勢發展,因此電子元件微小化與高密度化已不可避免,這也意味著半導體晶片須提供更高的單位面積儲存單元,與更快的反應速度,以應付未來的強烈需求。 台灣的半導體產業素來以垂直專業分工保有全球競爭優勢,但在3D IC的發展上卻需要產業上下游緊密的配合,這種模式將對台灣半導體產業的專業分工帶來相當的影響與衝擊。本研究以五力分析及SWOT分析架構為主,重點著眼於產業的前景、產業的未來發展方向及產業內的競爭情勢,除了探討3D IC對未來的製程與應用之影響,也探討客戶對於此新技術之產業合作模式的偏好與考量,將牽引著台灣半導體產業垂直分工的角色如何重組的問題,在初步了解3D IC產業的上游供應、下游客戶、既有競爭者、新進入者及替代者的競爭態勢後,進而以個案公司之經營策略,分析其優勢、弱勢、機會與威脅,使整體分析架構更趨完整,以提供3D IC產業業者未來發展之參考與策略上的建議,以利台灣繼續保有全球半導體產業之競爭優勢。
In the Post-PC Era, the growing popularity of various types of light and convenient electronic mobile device, prompting the development of electronic products to the trend of lighter, thinner, smaller. Therefore, it’s inevitable the electronic component goes to miniaturization and high density. This also means the semiconductor chips are required to provide a higher storage unit per area, and faster response speed level to cope with future strong demand. Taiwan's semiconductor industry has always maintained a global competitive advantage by its vertical specialization. However, In the 3D IC development needs strong cooperation with upstream and downstream industries. This kind of cooperation model will bring a considerable impact to Taiwan's semiconductor industry. This study base on the five-power analysis and SWOT analysis framework, and focus on the industry's prospects, the future direction of development of the industry and competitive conditions within the industry. In addition, this study explores the processes and applications of 3D IC’s future, as well as customer preferences and considerations for this new technology industry cooperation model, the traction problem of how to restructure the role of the vertical division of Taiwan's semiconductor industry. The competition analysis uses Porter’s five force model as a base structure to understand the 3D IC’s suppliers, customers, competitors, new comers, substitute status, and then use SWOT to analyze leading company’s strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat. In sequence, this study comes out some strategic suggestions for other vendors in 3D IC industry.