Title: 高聚光型太陽能光電產業結構與發展趨勢研究
A Study on the Structure and Development Trend of the High Concentration Photovoltaic Industry
Authors: 鍾宜臻
Li, Rong-Kwei
Li, Chang Chung
Keywords: 太陽能產業;高聚光型太陽能(HCPV);IIIII-V族多接面化合物太陽能電池;SWOT分析;五力分析;Solar energy industry;High Concentration Photovoltaic;III-V Compound Multi-Junction Solar Cell;SWOT Analysis;Five Forces Analysis
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 311福島核能發電廠事故的發生,引起世人開始對核能安全性及經濟效益的疑慮。由於台灣與日本同樣處於經常發生地震帶,且在工業用電上對於核能發電具有相當的依存度,因此無論是政府或人民更需要有危機意識的觀念。隨著全球的環保意識高漲及對再生能源重視,對於低成本且低汙染的替代能源,便是各國競相發展的重要議題,其中以太陽能倍受矚目。在全球太陽能光電產業地圖中,台灣雖然算是後起之秀,但後勢追上的腳步的能力不容小覷。   近兩年來,由於全球矽原料供需失衡問題尚未能解決,許多新進入者選擇以其他源料替代矽晶太陽能電池,其中又以高聚光型太陽能光電產業受到高度關注。高聚光型太陽能光電產業目前處於成長期階段,全球新進入廠商眾多,台灣高聚光型太陽能光電產業勢必面臨國際間強大的競爭壓力。   本研究以衡量產業競爭強度觀點,藉由文獻回顧整理、歷史資料蒐集、產業現況分析現況及未來趨勢,透過Michael E. Porter的鑽石理論模型、五力分析、SWOT分析等相關產業競爭分析理論,剖析目前全球高聚光型太陽能光電產業結構,及其所面臨的競爭強度。並探討及歸納台灣高聚光型太陽能光電產業的競爭優勢,最後針對產業之競爭策略提供具體建議,以供相關業者及政府參考。
The accident of Fukushima nuclear power plant happened on 3/11 awakened the world starting to doubt the safety of nuclear energy and economic benefits. Taiwan and Japan are both located in the seismic zones with frequent earthquakes, and have a considerable dependence on nuclear power generation for public power, so either the government or people need to have the concept of crisis sense. With the rising awareness of environmental protection and the emphasis of renewable energy in the world, the development of low-cost and low-pollution alternative energy become the important issue that all the countries are striving now especially solar energy is the focus. In the global solar photovoltaic industries, although Taiwan is a rising star, but it’s strong potential and capability to catch up should not be underestimated. In the past two years, the imbalanced supply and demand problem of global silicon raw material have not been solved, many new entrant companies chose other material to replace solar cells, in which High Concentration Photovoltaic industry is highly concerned with. Currently, HCPV industry is in the formative stage and many new companies in the world entered, and Taiwan HCPV industry will be forced to face the international and strong competitive pressures. The research is through the point of view of the measurement to the intensity of industry competition, literature review, historical data collection, the analysis of current industry situation and secondary data for a preliminary study of the current situation and future trends. And with Michael E. Porter's diamond theory model, the five forces analysis, SWOT analysis and other related analysis theories of industry competition to analyze the structure of global HCPV industry and the intensity of competition. Furthermore, the research explores and summarizes the competitive advantages of Taiwan's HCPV industry, and finally provides the specific recommendations of competitive strategy for the reference of the industry to and the government.
Appears in Collections:Thesis