標題: 客戶滿意度調查與客戶回饋資料之整合 - 以 XYZ 公司為例
Integrating the Results of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Feedback- A Case Study of XYZ Company
作者: 賴明琪
Lai, Ming-Chi
關鍵字: 客戶滿意度;客戶回饋;Customer Satisfaction;Customer Feedback
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 企業經營理念由產品導向演進為客戶導向,個案公司體認企業競爭優勢來自於較高的客戶滿意度,所以將客戶滿意度訂為集團績效評核指標。傾聽客戶的聲音、滿足客戶的需求及期望有助於提昇客戶滿意度,也是客戶關係管理中非常重要的一環。現行個案公司獲取客戶的聲音有二項來源與分析程序,分別是客戶滿意度調查 (Customer Satisfaction Survey ) 與關鍵客戶評比(Customer Score Card)。客戶滿意度調查是透過滿意度調查問卷獲得客戶的回饋,目前的做法面臨到客戶回覆不積極、回覆涵蓋未如預期的全面及容易受到短期效應的影響。而關鍵客戶評比是客戶定期(月或季)、持續、主動地給予,提供可以量化的客戶需求與期望,個案公司能定期檢視關鍵客戶的需要和期望是否明確且是否達成。現行面臨到僅有負責該關鍵客戶的相關小組成員,清楚知道客戶回饋的聲音,且當不同客戶有相似的需求與期望時,團隊各自提出不同解決方案則會造成企業資源運用上的負擔。本研究是針對「客戶滿意度調查」與「客戶評比」兩項客戶聲音進行資訊整合與分析,將定期關鍵客戶評比資料匯入年度客戶滿意度調查範疇,整合後的客戶滿意度納入關鍵客戶定期的回饋可強化客戶滿意度的參考性,且關鍵客戶的回饋是各相關的窗口給予的綜合指標,可較為符合客戶滿意度平衡客觀的原則。整合後的客戶滿意度包含一般客戶與關鍵客戶的回饋,可提供個案公司管理階層聚焦在滿足關鍵客戶的需求及期待,調整個案公司所提供的產品與服務,以較少的投資,滿足關鍵客戶的需求,維護個案公司的競爭優勢。
XYZ company realize the competitive advantage comes from a better customer satisfaction, and target customer satisfaction as a performance index, reviewed by management team regularly. Listen to customers and satisfy customers’ expectation will help to improve customer satisfaction, and also provide a method to preserve a long term customer relationship. There are two sources that XYZ company can get customers’ voice, one is “ Customer Satisfaction Survey “ , and the other one is “ Customer Feedback “ , the objective is to integrate this two customers’ voice to obtain an integral customer satisfaction, provide a possibility to improve the weakness of maintaining these two customers’ voice. Base on the integrated customer satisfaction, XYZ company can focus on providing the products and service that meet the needs of customers, adjust the management principle to fulfill customers’ expectation accordingly, and then maintain company’s competitive advantage lastingly.