Title: 比較不同消費性電子產品線顧客滿意度之研究-以A 公司為例
Comparison of Customer Satisfaction in Different Consumer Electronics Product Line: A Company as a Case
Authors: 楊宛諭
Yang Wan Yu
Jen William
Keywords: 無;無
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本研究的主要目的是探討同一公司在做客戶滿意度時,是否應針對其不同產品線設計不同之問卷,以調查其之間存在的差異性及共同性。客戶滿意度程度的高低常與不同產品線客戶之特性,以及供應商在客戶端的佔有率等有高度的相關。公司應依不同產品線客戶(可能係不同產業)之特性,針對其重要的屬性設計不同之客戶滿意度問卷,並且篩選重要客戶,定期進行問卷調查,再針對回收結果,將外部意見回饋於內部並責成改善方案,乃至進一步實行改善計畫,追蹤改善之成果績效。若同一份問卷用在不同屬性或差異性很大的客戶調查,不一定可以洞悉客戶的需求。如同餐廳或飯店雖然皆歸類於服務業,但屬性卻非完全相同,希望滿足客戶的服務點也不同。此個案主要是研究一個公司裡擁有不同產品線的客戶針對客戶滿意度做問卷設計、試測、做分析及回饋給內部系統。 而從此次調查看起來,Networking跟E-book的問卷設計內容雖有些許差異,但是結果卻大不相同。從此次的研究結果,以網通產品線客戶回覆來看,有3/1項目落在第二象限,此區代表顧客重視程度低,但滿意度卻高。同時也有3/1項目落在第四象限。建議將人力時間投入落在第四象限的項目改進,而保持或是降低在第二象限項目的投入,以遏止資源的不當使用。而在E-book,因客戶少,平均數在5的情況下,全部項目都落在第一象限。 針對E-book,問卷需要再作優化設計,調查除了滿意度及重要度之外,還須要在每一大項的子項目內排優先次序,以找到真正的關鍵服務點,以利內部作服務指標的參考。  
The purpose of this research is to study whether the Company should design different questionnaire for different product line to understand the difference and similarity between those different product lines. The customer satisfaction survey normally is high correlated with the product type and the purchase amount share of supplier. The Company should design different questionnaire according to the product characteristics and perform the customer satisfaction survey in periodical basis among those selected customers. The feedback from customer should be reviewed by the Company and requested the task force team to prepare the counter plan to make the continuous improvement. The improvement plan should be tracked to ensure the counter measure is carried out and proved to be useful solution to increase the customer’s satisfaction degree. If same questionnaire is applied to the customer of different product line, the customer’s need may not be perceived correctly. Such as restaurant and hotel are classified as same field-service industry, however, their type is not totally the same, the service requirement from their customer are also different. The study contains how the questionnaire is designed per different product line and how the questionnaires are tested, analyzed and feedback to internal system. From the investigation result, it seems that the feedback from the customers of Networking product line is much different from the ones from E-book. As we see in IPA report for Networking , there is about 3/1 of items are located in Zone II which is called “possible overkill”. It means the service delivered to customers are over their expectation and not being appreciated. There is also about 3/1 of items are located in Zone IV which are the areas the Company needs to concentrate on. It is recommend to allocate the resource to dedicate on the items are located in Zone IV for improvement. In the meantime, reduce or just maintain the effort in the items located in Zone II as those are not critical at all. For E-book, all the items are located in Zone I with average points 5(highest score). The survey form for E-book customers has to be modified in order to let customer select the priority from those itmes under each different category. With the priority set of items from customer, the Company will be able to identify the critical items and set up the criteria for internal service indicator.
Appears in Collections:Thesis