標題: 以工作與事件為導向建置知識管理系統之研究
A Study of Implementing a Task and Event Oriented Knowledge Management System
作者: 鍾凱心
Chung, Kai-Hsin
Liu, Duen-Ren
關鍵字: 知識管理;PDCA;知識獲取;知識分享;知識利用;Knowledge Management;PDCA;Knowledge Acquisition;Knowledge Sharing;Knowledge Utilization
公開日期: 2011
摘要:   現今知識經濟時代下,組織最重要的資產不再只是原料、人力或是設備,而是「知識」。知識是企業的核心競爭力,但知識若缺乏系統化有效的管理,則組織容易在無形中流失許多寶貴的經驗。因此企業組織皆積極的導入及建構知識管理系統,透過良好的知識管理的機制,知識才能夠有效提昇組織價值和能力。   本研究整理學者見解及實行知識管理之成功因素等相關文獻資料,運用知識管理程序:知識獲取、分享及利用等階段與PDCA管理循環結合,歸納出一個知識管理的系統架構,以期達到協助組織累積及創造有價值的知識;此系統以工作與事件為導向,試行於個案公司之資訊部門,提供資訊部門適切的知識管理之環境,使員工便於創造知識、進行知識交流,透過工作管理與事件串連來儲存組織知識,保存員工的工作經驗與組織資訊。   經研究最後之系統化效益評估,知識管理系統在個案公司之資訊部門的成效已經逐漸顯現,並逐步朝向提昇應用系統效益、降低維運成本及優化人力運用的目標邁進,這將對日後企業建構知識管理之參考有其正面價值。
  In today's knowledge economy era, the organization's most important assets are no longer just raw materials, manpower or equipment, but "knowledge". Knowledge determines the core competitiveness of enterprises, but without the systematic and effective management of the knowledge, an organization remains vulnerable to the loss of many valuable experiences. Business organizations actively import and construct knowledge management systems. A good knowledge management system will effectively enhance organizational value and capabilities.   This study contains this scholar's opinions regarding the implementation of knowledge management success factors, supported by related documents. The focus is on the use of knowledge management processes: knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing and knowledge utilization. The process includes the stage of the PDCA management cycle combination and induction of a knowledge management system architecture in order to assist organizations in their accumulation and the creation of valuable knowledge; this system is a task and event oriented. The case pilot company’s IT department is an appropriate knowledge management environment where the employees facilitate knowledge creation and exchange, through the work management series, to store organizational knowledge and save employees' work experience as well as organizational information and events.   Final systematic performance evaluation of knowledge management systems regards the effectiveness of the information department of the case company gradually emerges, regarding the enhancement of the system effectiveness, reduction of operational costs and optimization of human use. The results can serve as future reference for enterprises’ knowledge management to have a positive evaluation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis