標題: 企業建立知識分享平台之研究-以A公司資訊部門為例
Construction of Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Platform-A Case Study of Company A’s IT Department
作者: 張志英
Chang, Chih-Ying
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 知識管理;知識分享;知識分享平台;Knowledge Management;Knowledge Sharing;Knowledge Management System
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 在二十一世紀的知識經濟時代中最主要的企業經營特徵,是由知識來取代傳統的有形的產品,因此善用知識管理來結合全體員工的知識和經驗,同時透過知識分享來將知識管理的成果發揮乘數效果,將成為企業創造新價值的成功關鍵。 本研究從知識管理系統所扮演的角色與重要性為出發點,以A公司資訊部門建置知識分享平台為研究對象,探討實務上知識管理系統之建置如何與知識管理學學理搭配與呼應,希望能對後續知識管理之學術與實務發展有正面的幫助。
In the 21st century knowledge economy era, the main characteristic of an enterprise business management is to utilize knowledge to replace traditional tangigle products. Therefore making good use of knowledge management by integrating corporate employees empirical knowledge with knowledge sharing platform will have magnifying effects, and will become the key to success to enterprise core values. This study starts from a knowledge management platform's role and significance, using Company A's Information Technology Department and its construction of knowledge sharing platform as the research subject, to investigate how a knowledge management system is architected and how the system matches with the knowledge management theories, in the hopes to provide positive feedbacks for future knowledge management academic and practical developments.
Appears in Collections:Thesis