標題: 企業在環境變動下之因應策略-以廣達為例
Adaptive Strategies of Quanta Computer in a Changing Environment
作者: 徐碧君
Hsu, Pi-Chun
Hung, Chih-Young
關鍵字: 變動;策略;品牌;個案研究法;change;strategy;branding;case study
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 資訊技術產業持續地發展,創新的技術不斷地問世,筆記型電腦由個人固定式工作機台,如今演變成為雲端運算之載具。全球的經濟變化有起有落,如1997年亞洲金融風暴、2007年美國次級房貸引發的金融風暴與2010年歐洲金融危機至今仍未停歇;當全球市場的變化難以預測下,企業該如何因應。 個案公司廣達電腦,成立24年,以筆記型電腦代工起家,經歷種種外部環境的變化,仍締造了全球筆記型電腦代工第一名的佳績,當筆記型電腦代工毛利率僅餘3~4%之際,廣達電腦仍能做到年營業額破兆元的佳績,在股價市場表現也不錯。 本研究希望藉由探討廣達電腦在24年期間, 採取了哪些因應策略,得以持續地累積競爭優勢,對台灣製造代工產業,提出一個可以借鏡的方向,且將分析的結果,提供給相關企業以為參考。
Information Technology industry continuously develops without stop since innovation technology is always disclosed in this market. In the beginning, the Notebook was for personal purpose; however, today, it becomes a mobile device, one part of Cloud Computing. Besides, global economy was unstable in the past 15 years, such as, Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, the Subprime Mortgage Crisis in the U.S. in 2007, Europe’s Debt Crunch from 2010 till now. The enterprise has to face and accommodate this changing environment. Quanta Computer started up from OEM Notebook position and has been operating for 24 years. The company experienced many external changes and achieved the top one Notebook manufacturer in the world. It also has its brilliant value in Taiwanese stock market. Quanta Computer’s year revenue reaches over 1,000 billion even though the gross margin percentage is only around 3~4%. This case study illustrates what adaptive strategies Quanta Computer has adopted for its sustainable competitive advantages. It aims to offer Taiwan’s manufacturing related industry some viable suggestions and hopes others can use the results as the reference in the future.

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